Integrating Image Gallery on current sommunity site...

  •  01-13-2006, 6:27 PM

    Integrating Image Gallery on current sommunity site...

    I have a community Web site that needs a photo gallery section for each user.

    Can you advise me on whether your product can integrate with my site?

    I currently have a userAccounts table with userids and passwords. I would like each user to have the ability to administer their photo album (just need 1 photo album per user). No other user can modify another user's photo album. So somehow I would need to tie a photo album to a userid from my table, and secure it.

    I also need to know if you support ASP.NET 2.0?

    Last question... can this product run within its own subdirectory rather than from the root (which is how the demo seems to work)?

    Thank you!
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