Re: How about some support here?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  •  01-16-2006, 10:29 PM

    Re: How about some support here?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I can recreate -
    On your webserver, select the site that cutesoft is running in and then set the custom 404 page to a url. This can be an html or asp page, both will throw errors. If the custom 404 is set to default or file, there won't be errors.

    Unzip the cutesoft for asp 5.0 as usual and syntax errors will pop up on about 1/3 of the buttons. Try hyperlink.

    Interestingly, the error stops if response.end is the first command in the custom 404.asp page.

    Notice that cutesoft will never need to access the 404 if you type the url correctly but the errors still occur.

    Please help!
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