urgent problem with web root

  •  01-23-2006, 7:20 PM

    urgent problem with web root

    So far I have been able to work out most of the issues. But there a couple that must be solved. Otherwise, the editor is not usable.
    I want user to browse the web root because that's where the web files are located. But I can not seem to resolve to the web root.

    I have tried the following options:
    <security name="FilesGallaryPath">~/</security>
    <security name="FilesGallaryPath">./</security>
    <security name="FilesGallaryPath">/</security>

    Every time, it goes to the CuteEditor/Dialogs folder.

    I have also tried the physical path:
    <security name="FilesGalleryPath">D:\mysite\www</security>
    It shows an error message about not being about convert physical path to virtual path. 

    Thanks for any suggestions.
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