Re: Manual Flash tag

  •  01-30-2006, 3:03 PM

    Re: Manual Flash tag

    I've applied the update.


    For our particular <object> block the params now display after clicking between normal and html, however they are displaying with a space between some:
    <param name="AnimationAtStart" value="0">
            <param name="AllowScan" value="-1">
            <param name="AllowChangeDisplaySize" value="-1">
    <param name="AutoRewind" value="True">
            <param name="Balance" value="0">
            <param name="BufferingTime" value="5">

    (...there are more param tags after this)
    Click "Normal" tab, then save.  On return, the following is displayed in place of the param tags in the html view:
            null        null        null        null        null        null       
    null        null        null        null        null        null       
    null        null        null        null        null        null       
    null        null        null        null        null        null       
    null        null        null        null        null        null       
    null        null        null        null        null        null       
    null        null        null        null        null        null       
    null        null        null        null        null        null       
    null        null        null        null        null
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