Ok, now I have updated to version 5.2, but the problem is still there :(
Here are my other settings:
With txtEditor
.EditCompleteDocument = True
.BreakElement = CuteEditor.BreakElement.Br
.DisableAutoFormatting = True
.RemoveServerNamesFromUrl = False
.PrintFullWebPage = True
.EncodeHiddenValue = False
.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "inside_main.css"
.AllowPasteHtml = True
.RemoveTBODYTag = True
.UseHTMLEntities = False
.UseSimpleAmpersand = True
.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Full
End With
To test further and to eliminate the process writing to database, I outputtet the content of the editor directly into a webpage.
lblTEST.text = txtEditor.Text (the latter beeing cute-editor, the first beeing a Label-control in .Net)
The problem is showing in the content of the label as well.
Could there be some of my settings above that is doing this or could there be encoding problems etc.?