Firefox issues

  •  02-06-2006, 7:31 AM

    Firefox issues


    I am using Firefox 1.5 and have a number of issues with Cute Editor.

    One particularly odd thing is that if I run your examples (from the downloaded zip) within my website it all works fine. Yet when I attempt to run my own page with an instance of the editor on it I run into problems.

    So here are the issues...

    1. When I first load a page with an default cute editor, I can't click and type in the editor, it just won't let me do anything with it. If I then switch into html view and back into Normal mode, I can type normally and it works fine.
    2. If I insert an image, no matter what I do I cannot get the little handles up to allow me to resize it
    3. When I right-click I get a popup menu, but not where I clicked, it always appears in the bottom left corner of my browser window, not actually inside the CuteEditor at all.
    I am running the latest version of Cute Editor and Firefox.

    I notice the following javascript error whenever I attempt to access one of my Cute Editor pages...

    Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsISelection.getRangeAt]" nsresult: "0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE)" location: "JS frame :: http://localhost:1762/Call%20Logging%20System%202005/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/CuteEditor_Gecko.js.aspx?settinghash=1a955548 :: anonymous :: line 13" data: no]

    As stated, it's odd because your vb folder of examples works fine when I copy it into one of my sites where I'm experiencing these issues.

    My page code is...

    <%@ Register Assembly="CuteEditor" Namespace="CuteEditor" TagPrefix="CE" %>

    <CE:Editor ID="Editor1" runat="server" Text=" ">
        <FrameStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DDDDDD" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"
            CssClass="CuteEditorFrame" Height="100%" Width="100%" />
        <br />

    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Add" /><asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server"
        Text="Cancel" /><br />
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