Re: Resize makes file huge

  •  02-10-2006, 3:47 PM

    Re: Resize makes file huge

    It is not the thumbnail I am talking about. Imagine this situation:
    1. A user uploads an image that is 636 x 468. The original size is 16,8 Kb
    2. The settings in the guest.config are as follow:

            <security name="RestrictUploadedImageDimension">true</security>
            <security name="OverWriteExistingUploadedFile">false</security>
            <security name="AutoResizeUploadedImages">true</security>
            <security name="MaxImageWidth">600</security>
            <security name="MaxImageHeight">600</security>
    3. The resized image is 104 Kb. This is a big problem.
    Here is the original file:
    This is the resized version:
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