Are plug-ins/providers models available for the following behavoir changes

  •  02-16-2006, 3:45 PM

    Are plug-ins/providers models available for the following behavoir changes

    In trying to build a email client for a custom application, we've decided Cute Editor may be perfect to save some work on the HTML Email body editor. But before making use of it we may have to redirect the Template and Image stores to the DB. Here's why:
        1) Some templates should be read-only to "regular system users". Some may have characteristics like "not clonable" and "copy editable prior to sending". We need to make these associations with the template.
       2) Some Images must not be deleted. Recipients of the older emails will reopen their email. Unless the pictures are still there as named, the HTML email body won't render correctly.
        3) Anonymity through obscurity. I need the images and templates named randomly (but presented to the Cute Editor users in english). That way users can't look at other templates/images if they aren't shared.
    I am hoping these are common use cases and we can find these flexibliity in Cute Editor without too much head-ache. Any suggestions?
    -- David
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