How to use the Gallery on a page with code-behind?

  •  08-25-2004, 7:30 PM

    How to use the Gallery on a page with code-behind?

    Hi Adam,

    I downloaded the DotNetGallery because it looks very close to what I'm looking for.
    I need to integrate it on a page that has additional user controls (for portal navigation, menus, etc) and code behind for essential intergration with a database.
    Whenever I try to access a page with DotNetGallery on it the control tries to create a new gallery.xml file in a directory with photos. If I give write access to that directory then control will overwrite the existing gallery.xml (even though it is up to date). The new XML file is only 2KB in size and doesn't contain any image info. I was able to create a correct XML file and thumbnails by putting my photos in your example directory, and rebuilding it there after granting full access to that directory to every user I could find.
    Test license seems to be OK - it finds it, and if I remove it the complains.
    FolderPath is also OK - if I change it to an incorrect path then I get - "Could not find a part of the path ..."
    I copied entire project to a box with WinXP and IIS 5.1 (from Win2003 and IIS 6.0) - same story it will either overwrite it with no image data or I will get access denied error.
    File structure is like this
    -Web Application Root
    -----/bin (with *.dll & *.lic)
    -----/Gallery (with an *.aspx page which contains DotNetGallery control)
    -----/Gallery/photos (with photos and an XML file)
    Any ideas why in my situation DotNetGallery ignores existing XML file?
    And another question, what Thumbs.db files are for? When DotNetGallery creates no-image-data XML files on my box then Thumbs.db file does not get created in the same directory.
    thanks, Patrick
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