Re: Not catching the postback event ?

  •  02-27-2006, 10:30 AM

    Re: Not catching the postback event ?

     trentk_iss wrote:
    I got the same lost postback event problem but I was using
    Editor1.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Full_noform
    In my page_load event
    The fix worked ok but you need to use InsertForm instead of Form to get rid of the Form icon from the toolbar
    I'm not so sure we have nailed the bug nor the fix here. I lose events too, but because I
    change the property myEditor.ConfigurationPath upon an event  (SelectedNodeChanged)  caught from another control. Changing certain properties seems to do something with the editor object that causes events to lose track... I'm not very into the inner working of event handling so I don't have any explanation to why, but it sure smells like a bug in CuteEditor.
    I can't do a workaround in Page_Init, because other obejcts i need properties from have yet not been initialized at that stage.
    edit: Just to be clear, the change of configurationPath causes the event on the NEXT postback to be lost, not the one in progress. I.e. the line 'myEditor.PostBackCommand += new CommandEventHandler(myEditor_PostBackCommand);' doesn't seem to have any effect that particular cycle.
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