bech99 wrote: |
Not a problem! My client decided to buy a Web chat product (enterprise license+source code) from another vendor. The deciding factor to go with another company was CuteSoft's unresponsiveness and generally unprofessional presales service.
Guys, please feel free to shoot yourself in the foot as many times as you want.
best regards,
I have to say that I don’t mind the wait. I applaud Cute Soft for taking the time to really test a product for they release it to us. I would much rather wait a few extra weeks and get a well tested solid product then get a product on it scheduled release date full of bugs. As far as the product, it comes with infinitely less features then Cute Messenger/Chat and the design is horrid. Any java based chat application is going to make a site look unprofessional, just my opinion.
In short, Cute Soft porducts are worth the wait. Also, if you are looking for support, simply click the “Live Support” image at the top of every page. If the Image says support is off line, just send Adam a private message and he usually responds in 24 hours.
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