Re: Inline css dissapearing

  •  03-13-2006, 5:12 PM

    Re: Inline css dissapearing

    I ran some more tests and after a bit of thinking I realize that userelativelinks=false and basehref is a bit contradictionary. If a basehref is set I realize that not using relative links would overwrite it with the server name.
    The editor then seem to just make the links relative and add the html tag base href. This is fine for web browsers but when I use it for an email the html parser strips base href away, outlook and thunderbird does that anyway. Probably a security reason.
    question numer 1: Is it working this way?
    question number 2: Has it always been? I think earlier versions if cutedit just replaced the url:s?
    question numer 3: How do I solve my problem?
    question number 4: Why dont my inline css make an impact on the stylen of the contents in the editor and why does it dissapear when I switch to html edit mode?
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