On my exported pdf.file everytheng comes out on top everything else. Why is it that way

  •  03-19-2006, 4:07 AM

    On my exported pdf.file everytheng comes out on top everything else. Why is it that way

    I am trying to make a pdf from my CuteEditor version 5.2. I use the SavePDF-method.

    Below is the original HTML.

    You can se the resulting pdf at this adress "http://www.sif-tele.com/Upload/testpdf.pdf

    What am i doing wrong

    <h1>Rubrik 1</h1>
    <div>&nbsp;Här är lite text före bilden</div>
    <div><img src="http://cutesoft.net/data/j0313820.jpg" border=0></div>
    <div>&nbsp;Här är lite text efter bilden</div>

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