Relative VS Absolute url for images

  •  03-28-2006, 10:52 AM

    Relative VS Absolute url for images


    I have noticed that in the online demo ( when absolute url is selected, the format of the image's url becomes [folder name] / [image name]

    In my case, i always have the name of my virtual directory included in the url : [virtual directory name] / [folder name] / [image name] which is a problem if I need to publish my site under a different name later (under a different virtual directory) because that is the url saved for the image and the path would not exist anymore... That's why i would like to be able to eliminate from the image's url the [virtual directory name] part

    I have tried to change the "UseRelativeUrl" and "RemoveServerName" properties, but it still includes my virtual directory in the images'url...

    My ImageGalleryPath is set to "~/images" (in my "default.config" file)
    My image folder is right in my virtual directory (ie test\images)

    Could you help me find what I am doing wrong?
    Could you also tell me how the example at the adress I gave above is set up? (where is the image folder)


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