Prepopulate URL on Image, Media, and File dialogs

  •  04-03-2006, 6:36 PM

    Prepopulate URL on Image, Media, and File dialogs

    I just recently purchased the CuteEditor control.  For uploading files to the server, I have set the following paths ~/Uploads/Images, ~/Uploads/Media, ~/Uploads/Files in my Admin.config file.  the Admin role is assigned to the CuteEditor control and run-time.  My question is, how do I control the value that prepopulates in the URL field when the user selects on of the available files?  Currently the following value get's populated:
    /WebBuilder/Uploads/Files/[filename].pdf where "WebBuilder" is the root folder of the site.
    I want it to be:
    I know this is newbie question, but any help is appreciated.
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