Frustrating Paths and Virtual paths....

  •  04-12-2006, 8:45 AM

    Frustrating Paths and Virtual paths....

    I've been working on integrating Cute Editor within a test website all week, and I'm finding a few seriously frustrating points, mainly to do with virtual paths. One of the main issues is that I need to be able to use absolute paths, as well as relative paths, for areas such as Image Editor, Image Library, Style Sheets, config files, etc.
    Editor1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "~/styles/stylesheet.css"
    Editor1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = ""
    The reason is because I need Cute Editor to live within a seperate .NET application and/or Domain, albeit on the same server.
    I have found work arounds in your support forums using virtual paths, but this leads to even more problems, such as intercepting the Text coming in and out of Cute Editor to replace the virtual paths (Editor1.Text.Replace("StoreImages/","Images/") - and this is not a viable solution as I don't want to interfere with a users' text. I've also tried using physical paths, but I run into Access Denied issues, especially with the style sheet. For reference, I do want Cute to parse the style sheet and create a list of classes from the style sheet, so turning off AutoParseClasses is not an option.
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