Questions about licences, keys, and application/redistribution licence

  •  04-23-2006, 11:01 PM

    Questions about licences, keys, and application/redistribution licence

    We're considering purchasing the ASP version of Cute Editor for a CMS application, and later the ASP.NET version. (Currently we use an editor that we wrote ourselves, so system flexibility is a new compromise for us.)
    Forgive me if the first question is obvious, I have not seen how licence keys work with the demo system yet...
    When using an application/redistribution licence does a single licence key work with all distributions of that application, or is there some registration process that needs to be followed for each installation?
    Also, I notice that the redistribution licence is the same cost as a developer licence but allows unlimited developers. I assume this is because a developer licence would still need to be purchased if Cute Editor was used on any web site or product other than the licensed application. Is that right?
    When redistributing the editor, is there a requirement to display Cute Editor branding or logos on the editor interface? What about user documentation? (Our preference is to credit third party products that we use in secondary locations within our product package, e.g. in a "credits" or "about" window.)
    We notice some cross browser issues in the online demos. E.g. Firefox does not correctly lay out code in the HTML edit view in the same way as IE, and non breaking spaces are inserted inside tables when the user attempts to manually adjust the code layout. Is there an active program to remedy such issues as a priority, to provide patches or workarounds, or to provide bug related support, or a tackable bug resolution list, a user patch program, or must we wait for future product releases?
    How often are patches and minor versions released?
    We are pleased that accessibility and usability appear to be primary considerations in the development of Cute Editor. There are some outstanding accessibility issues for content generation such as limitations in the support of table headers, table cell and header scope definition. Are these issues being considered? Do you respond to community feedback or individual customers on these issues? Is there a publicly visible development roadmap?
    Out of interest rather than requirement... We have noted a lot of positive results in usability tests about the provision of a pull-down menu interface as an alternative to icon toolbars. Have you considered implementing this option in Cute Editor?
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