Our web is an intranet portal and the url of the web http://ibmgranada.central.eppa.es is the domain of our intranet where that is equal addressed to "CPUname"+central.eppa.es but always I speak to you about an intranet. The problem is that we cannot use the license for that we think that the domain that us You ask me for the record of the license was the domain of our internal network.
We have this Internet web page, but in java if quereis the podeis to consult is www.eppa.es. I request you that us deis a solution for which I believe that there has been a mistake of understanding for someone of the parts
On the other hand I am grateful to you for the rapidity with which atendeis to the consultations, the truth is that in few occasions is obtained a time of response so shortly.
i hope your response.