Re: Missing Chat Participation Count/Peek

  •  05-04-2006, 12:54 AM

    Re: Missing Chat Participation Count/Peek

    For that case , you could write a method for that while the forum-list is databinding .
    (Oh,sorry , I copy the wrong code for the blog)
     <td class="CommonListCell ForumGroupTotalThreadsColumn" align="center">
      <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" Target="_blank" NavigateUrl='<%# ResolveUrl("~/RedirectForumToChat.Aspx?ForumId="+((Forum) Container.DataItem).SectionID) %>' runat="server"
    Visible='<%# YouCodeToDetermineIsTheForumVisible( (Forum)Container.DataItem )  %>'
    you code :
    static public bool YouCodeToDetermineIsTheForumVisible(Forum forum)
        if(forum.Name=="Hello") return true;
        if ( forum Some Property Is OK ) return true;
        return false;
    Hope this helps
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