Re: Developer License and Redistribution License

  •  05-05-2006, 7:58 PM

    Re: Developer License and Redistribution License

    Sorry, to clarify the original question about Mozilla... I did already check the editor in several different browsers on your site. I noticed there is a bug on Mozilla where the HTML layout is not correctly processed in the HTML window. And if you try to edit code inside a table in the HTML window, erroneous non breaking spaces are added. This appears to be quite a serious bug, and I wanted to know if there were remedies to such problems offered (since we can't program the editor ourselves, from what I can see), a trackable online bug list, or any other kind of formal support for such bugs?
    I have a few more questions:
    I have been looking everywhere for information about the API to Cute Editor for the ASP version, since there is no downloadable trial. All I can find is the developer deployment guide, which does not provide any information about interacting with Cute Editor for more advanced customisation. (It only covers the very basic case of adding a button.) Is there any documentation about the Cute Editor API?
    I notice the ASP version provides context menu commands, but they're not enabled yet. Do you have a timeline for implementing the context menu in the ASP version?
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