Re: Error when dynamically loading editor

  •  05-22-2006, 2:41 PM

    Re: Error when dynamically loading editor

    I am having similar difficulties.

    When I run this, in Firefox, it appears to work ok, until I actually submit the page.  The response I get seems to be encoded at some level.  When I run this in IE, the control in the iFrame won't load, and I get a Javascript error "Error: 'CuteEditorClientClass' is undefined"

    Here is the code, which I have run under .Net 1.1 and 2.0:

    <%@ Page Language="vb" %>
    <%@ Import namespace="CuteEditor" %>

    <script language="VBScript" runat="server">

    Public Sub Page_Load (ByVal Sender as System.Object, ByVal E as System.EventArgs)

        Dim CE_lob as New CuteEditor.Editor()
        CE_lob.ID = "Content_fst"

        WYSIWYG_Output_Div.InnerHTML = Request("Content_fst")
    End Sub 'Page_Load


    <body onLoad="if (self != top) top.location = self.location;" style="margin-top: 0;">

            <form method="post" action="default2.aspx">
            <input type="submit" name="Function_fst" value="Run!">
            <div id="WYSIWYG_Test_Div" runat="server"></div>
            <div id="WYSIWYG_Output_Div" runat="server">WYSIWYG Output - None</div>



    If I run this and enter "eeeeeeeeee" into the editor and click my Save button, the result that is output is:



    I've been searching for a solution to this, but have so far been unsuccessful.
    Any help in getting around this would be greatly appreciated as I'm currently evaluating CuteEditor, and really like it.

    Thank you.

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