two bug reports and one question

  •  05-22-2006, 4:38 PM

    two bug reports and one question

    first the bug. it seems that people with spaces in their screen name or people with underscores in their name cannot login and get the message of anonymous users are not allowed. This is using the snitz integration package.
    second bug. *edited**edited again* problem fixed, required server restart to fix it.
    now the question. I will be running this chat app from one dedicated server on one ip but will be used for one of my websites which uses two domains to access. Would it be ok if I bought a single domain license rather than one of the other licenses? You can see that and are the same site with different colors but everything else is the same as they run off the same db and same set of scripting files. So with that said which license would I chose? Thanks.
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