Selected table and scrolling crash IE when tables wider than CuteEditor window

  •  06-13-2006, 1:51 PM

    Selected table and scrolling crash IE when tables wider than CuteEditor window

    When a table is wider than the area provided in the editor, and the table is selected, when you try to scroll, Internet Explorer crashes.
    To reproduce the error, I went to the Live Demo ( went to the table properties of the existing table on the page, and made the width = 800 px, then with the table still selected, tried scrolling. This crashes the browser.
    I noticed it happening on my test pages, and once I discovered the reason for the crash, it crashes every time when these conditions occur.
    If the table is first deselected, scrolling happens without incident. It seems like since the table is selected, whatever actions over that table should be on it, clicking to drag the scrollbar does not deselect the table, but tries to act on the scrollbar. However, the table and the scrollbar overlap, so rather than use one or the other, it crashes the browser.
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