We have existing XHTML content which contains non-breaking spaces encoded as Unicode character 160 (equivalent to entity reference ampersand-hash-160-semicolon).
When I populate the data from the database to CuteEditor, initially the Normal view does not render these non-breaking spaces, i.e. adjacent words are run together.
When I switch to HTML view the spaces are rendered as (ampersand-hash-160-semicolon).
When I switch back to Normal view the spaces are now rendered correctly.
When I switch back to HTML view the spaces are now displayed as (ampersand-nbsp-semicolon).
When the content is re-saved, however, the spaces appear to be saved as the single non-breaking space character, not as either HTML entity reference.
Two questions:
1. Does anyone else see non-breaking spaces being omitted in Normal view when the editor is first populated, and is there a fix or workaround?
2. Can anyone clarify CuteEditor's handling of the various representations of non-breaking spaces?
I have set "Disable Autoformating" to True.
I have tried the XHTML demo on the CuteSoft site and can reproduce it there as well.