Re: File Uploader - Streaming to memory or Hard Drive

  •  06-14-2006, 9:02 PM

    Re: File Uploader - Streaming to memory or Hard Drive

    Please read the following:

    The standard ASP.NET classes cache the entire upload in memory. Not only does this have performance implications but it also inherently limits the size of ongoing uploads. When ASP.NET memory use reaches 60% of available RAM the whole of ASP.NET is restarted.

    The time that large uploads takes can create a vicious cycle in which ASP.NET uses excessive amounts of memory. Just assume you're getting ten new visitors every minute. Each visitor uploads one 20 MB file which takes 20 minutes to complete. This means that there are a total of 200 ongoing uploads - each using an average of 10 MB of RAM - a total of 2 GB. Even if your server has 2 GB of RAM ASP.NET will restart after only 1.2 GB has been used and that doesn't even allow for other use by ASP.NET.

    With this more accurate explaination of the concern I have, are you confirming that your utility DOES NOT work around this and runs the potential to overload the server.
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