relative vs absolute under DNN3.x

  •  06-21-2006, 2:04 PM

    relative vs absolute under DNN3.x

    Using DNNs email newsletter capability, I need to send out absolute urls for both images as well as links. I have looked at the following post ( but got the strange code seen below ...this is actual email source from thunderbird...don't know why it did "base href" when I typed the link http://xxx.sss.sss/whatever/img.jpg in the html view.

    I see that there is UseRelativeLinks = "true" web.config setting that I could change to false, but I am not sure its a good idea to have a site full of hard links, even under a CMS...

    Can I have relative urls set globally and decide when to use absolute? Please note I tried the link above that touches that subject but I did not get working results (the img was broken) ...could there be a property checkbox for images & links that 'force' an ABSOLUTE, regardless of your global settings?

    Content-Type: text/html;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

    Dear TJ,<br><br><Base Href=''>This is a test <img src="/Providers/
    align="absmiddle" border="0"><br>

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