Problem with the relative paths

  •  06-30-2006, 6:04 AM

    Problem with the relative paths

    Hi Support
    Sorry for my insistence, but I am willing to understand where is the problem referred to the relative paths.
    This was your initial answer to my problem:
    "That's the problems using relative path. When using the relative path,  it will work in some particular situations. When load the HTML code into the editor, if browser can't find the images when translating the relative path to aboslute path, it will not be able to show images."
    With this anwer you explain the effect but not the cause. Why is this a difficult problem!!.
    If I call the page using Internet Explorer its rendering is perfect!!
    For example suppose to include a relative path to an image in a page : <img src="/img/image.gif" />; later call the page using editor.LoadFile(path) where the path is "D:\Tex\Site\main.html".  Well, the path for the image in converted to "D:\Tex\img\image.gif" instead of ""D:\Tex\Site\img\image.gif" (I could know this using a http handler).
    Who is the cause of this wrong convertion ?
    Best regards
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