Relative vs. Absolute Paths with Images

  •  07-11-2006, 12:13 PM

    Relative vs. Absolute Paths with Images

    You previous response to this topic was confusing and did not make sense to me or the previous questioner.
    This is a topic that is of great interest to users, so I will ask it again in the hope that we may get a clear answer with a working example and with code.

    My question:

    If I insert am image in Normal view I get:
    <div><img src="http://localhost:2192/acms2Web/filemanager/previewfile.ashx?id=180137&amp;thumb=true"></div>
    If I insert an image in HTML view, I get:
    <img src="../filemanager/previewfile.ashx?id=180137&amp;thumb=true">
    I want the second version.
    How do I make sure I can get the same result in Normal and HTML views?
    I have seen the example on:

    That seems to work quite well. However, as with most of the examples on this site - there is no code shown.
    Why don't you give the code for all of your examples? I'm sure it would save a lot of time and effort on this forum.
    Could you let me have the code for this example please?

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