Re: Add User To Buddy List and Launch IM Session From Application

  •  07-11-2006, 5:43 PM

    Re: Add User To Buddy List and Launch IM Session From Application

    How do I pass the information of the target user to the buddy list and to IM when I launch IM Session from user's profile? It kept defaulting to the current logon user, which is me; which means I'm communicating with myself. The target user does exist in my application. Also, when I try to add the target user to contact list, it shows me the same user all the time, which is the current logon user. Finally, I'm getting a failed to validate license when I try to launch it from another computer in my local network.
    Will the target username be the UniqueName between the hyperlink tags as shown below?
    <a href="#" onclick="Chat_OpenContact('IE')"><img src="CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Images/avatar.gif">UniqueName=IE</a>
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