Re: Relative vs. Absolute Paths with Images

  •  07-12-2006, 4:59 AM

    Re: Relative vs. Absolute Paths with Images

    Thank you for the answer. I have now found the code.
    I don't wish to be too critical, but I think it would be worth some time and effort for someone from your company, or for your company to get a professional documentation writer, to sort out the documentation for your products. It is my opinion that the documentation and examples let down the products. For example, why not state at the bottom of each example on your website that the code is available in the download package? Easier still, why not just have the code on the website (like they do on or or - etc etc...)

    Many people using your products may not have the download package available to them. Even just to avoid the need to search through the download package for the example code would make it easier. If you insist on only making code available from the download package, why not make it more obvious that the examples are there. By simply restructuring the folder layout would help or just putting all the examples in the HowTo folder would be helpful.
    In the download package, there is a folder called HowTo. I would expect all examples and code to be in there. But they're not.
    In the download package you have a page called CommonTasks.htm. This shows example code. Is it on your website?
    I firmly believe that if you invested some time and money into good documentation with good examples, available on your website, you would increase the level of user satisfaction tremendously. This would have the added benefit of making your products more appealing. Also, less time would need to be spent on the forum.
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