Re: List of Commands

  •  07-18-2006, 2:49 PM

    Re: List of Commands

     Adam wrote:
    Please check this article:

    Thank you, that is helpful.

    I have this code in my application:
    ctrl.Attributes("onclick") = "CuteEditor_GetEditor(this).ExecCommand('PasteHTML',false,'<h2>Submit Here!!</h2>')"

    As you can see, ExecCommand uses 'PasteHTML' as the first parameter. Firstly, I have no idea what these parameters are because they are within a string. I assume (which is a bad habit) that 'PasteHTML' is sometype of function name.

    But I do not see 'PasteHTML' in the Toolbar reference documentation.

    Is there more than PasteHTML that is not in the list? I am trying to fire off a "SpellCheck" function but cannot get it to work. I have tried to use "netspell" as the first parameter to 'ExecCommand' but it doesnt seem to like that. Any suggestions on how to create a dynamic toolbar button using the existing "netspell" functionality with the ExecCommand as exampled above?

    I hope that makes sense.
    Thank you for all the help

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