CuteChat management and customization

  •  10-16-2004, 2:56 PM

    CuteChat management and customization

    I sent these questions through the LiveHelp email form yesterday. But since I haven't recieved a reply, I will try posting them here as well.

    Re managing a room:
    * How do the flags Public, Active, Archive, and Allow Anonymous affect the room being managed? In otehr words, what exactly happens under each flag setting?
    * How do the policies Default, Select, VIP, Allow to Speak, Allow Access, Disallow to Speak, Disallow Access affect the room being managed?
    * How is the skin set for the room?
    Re using a chat room:
    * How do you open a private window in order to invite another person to join you?
    * What does the Focus checkbox do?
    * What is the Save button suppose to do -- right now it just opens a 404 Object Not Found page?
    Re cutomizing the default/login page:
    * How do I remove the empty row <TR><TD style="HEIGHT: 140px" height=140><BR></TD></TR> that is automatically inserted before the Login information on default.aspx (in the CuteChatSample)?
    Re licensing:
    * If I purchase a license for will it also work for and for ?
    Re new version:
    * I've seen some support forum posts in which you indicated CuteSoft 2.0 would be released very soon -- can you give an expected release date?
    CuteChat seems to be a great product so far. In fact, my only complaint is that the user manual (help files) are pretty light on details. Perhaps I need more instruction because I am new to .NET and am not using any of the integration projects or Visual Studio. So please try to be as detailed as possible when answering my questions. Thanks!
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