Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?

  •  08-05-2006, 2:45 AM

    Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?

    Oh.. I just don't get it-
    The downloaded dll worked for the localhost on both my local CS2 install (of my remote site), and the "stock" CS2 I tried earlier-  both with/without "medium trust" in the web.config ... but still does not work for remote install. 
    I completely deleted the entire CuteSoft_Client folder.. and replaced with the local.  Also replaced all the remote dlls from local, global asax, web.config..  still the same errors as originally noted.
    I understand that my host (Crystaltech), as most, uses a "modified Medium Trust" which is Medium with a couple exceptions, which is, in fact, less strict than me adding the Medium Trust element to my local web.config... true?  So I wouldn't think that were the problem.. but I don't know.
    I am totally stumped.  I can't figure anything else that could be different
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