Re: Replace inline "style" attribute with "class" attribute/CSS?

  •  08-06-2006, 6:29 PM

    Re: Replace inline "style" attribute with "class" attribute/CSS?

    Thank you for your reply!
    I know about that functionality...  Problem is, I would have to create an entry in that dropdown list for every possible color, background color, and the plethora of other stylistic options available/supported in (D)HTML, which would make that a rather long list. :-)
    I just wanted to make, for example, the color button generate a class instead of a 'style'... as well as other buttons/actions.
    Right now I'm thinking about maybe using the XHTML property to load the output as XML and parse out all the 'style' attributes, make them into <style> values, and replace the 'style' with the correspondent 'class' attributes.  A lot of work, but I don't see how to do it any other way. (and still hoping I'm wrong... :-))
    Hope this is making some sense to you....
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