Can't install CuteChat on Webserver!

  •  10-22-2004, 9:10 AM

    Can't install CuteChat on Webserver!

    (Excuse my English.)
    Downloaded latest version of CuteChat Installer on my Pc. Installation was successfull, so far. But, even I wanted to run the Config Wizard, first Problems occured.
    I'm hosting my Site on an ISP's  "Virtual Server", so i have no root access anyway. All i can do is uploading files to FTP & access The MYSQL Server (without installing new sql databases. This option is reserved by my ISP, resp. I can create new databases by a special "customers panel", but not on the mysql server itself! Because of the SQL Server is a different to my Virtual Web Server).
    When it comes to the DataBase Setup (CuteChat- Config Wizard), i always get the error, that
    1) no server is found / access denied
    2) no  new database can be created / no database could be found.
    and so on...
    -> I'am to 100% sure, that i got the right SQL server address + a valid username [;-)] & the right password
    P.S.: please post a 'connection string'
    Pleas help me!!!!
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