Re: Configuring the Toolbar

  •  01-17-2004, 7:19 PM

    Re: Configuring the Toolbar

    You're probably correct as I do set the Width of the control. I do have to question why setting the width alters the order on the controls. Is it possible to set the width of the editor window without affecting the toolbar?


    Likewise, several of my questions remain unanswered. Given that I can't use a template how do I add the ParagraphDropDownList and the FontDropDownList to an empty toolbar (I hope it's possible to start with an empty one?) so that I can also add my custom buttons where I need them instead of having them blindly inserted at the beginning of the toolbar. I don't see either the Paragraph or Font drop down lists exposed as properties.


    Thanks for the detail on G_Start/G_End!


    - Alan

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