Problem with too long querystring in (godaddy?) subdomains / virtual directories

  •  09-24-2006, 11:14 AM

    Problem with too long querystring in (godaddy?) subdomains / virtual directories

    I have just discovered something weird at and maybe some other hosting providers:
    I have a main domain ( and a few samples subdomains ( which are redirected to a virtual folder. (/mywebroot/myproductsample).
    When I installed CuteEditor (last version) into my subdomain, none of the dialogs worked.
    Then I started ethereal (network sniffer) and discovered that many http connections were getting a 301 redirect.
    After a few investigation and lots of tests, I noticed the problem:
    When we have subdomain redirecting to virtual directories, a request like
    However that redirection probably involves some handler-script which must parse the folders/pages/querystring and remount them to get the correct page.
    The bug: If your "/folder/page.aspx?querystring" is bigger than 1023 bytes, then you are redirected (http 301) to , which in case would load your subdomain homepage into your dialog.
    Almost all dialogs have huge querystrings because they use GetHashString().
    Adam, if I install CuteEditor into my main domain , how can I reference that editor in my subdomains? There is that FilesPath property, but I guess it will use my current subdomain (which won't work, needs to be replaced with my main domain).
    Or maybe I can change GetHashString() to return a smaller string?
    Maybe (if there is not yet a solution) you could allow adding handlers to some function which writes url-links.
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