I'm trying to do custom integration w/ our webapp, so I've done the usual things (copy Cutesoft_client folder underneath, add javascript to my home page, etc.).
In my global.asax, I have this:
Public Function GetUserIdentity() As CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity Implements CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationUserAdapter.GetUserIdentity
Dim id As String = GetUserUniqueName()
If (id Is Nothing) Then
Return CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity.CreateNull()
End If
Dim identity As CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity = New CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity(id, Nothing, Context.Request.UserHostAddress)
Return identity
End Function
GetUserUniqueName() returns either "null/nothing" or the currently logged in username (users can log into our web site and usernames are unique).
Unfortunately, in the livesupport operator client, it doesn't show any users.
In the CuteSupportCustomer database, I can see the user, but the DisplayName is null and no users are listed in the livesupport operator client.
The online icon on the website displays "online" for the chat operator, but when you try chatting, it says you're 1st in the queue and never contacts the chat operator client.
I put breakpoints at all the APIs in global.asax, but nothing unusual
is happening that I can see. I think the chat operator client gets the
web site visitor list using something else...
Any idea why the chat operator client can't see web site visitors? :-P