Error while embedding chat

  •  10-12-2006, 2:57 PM

    Error while embedding chat

    Hello. I have an existing project I am putting the Chat into. I am running into some strange problems and need some help.
    I downloaded and read your help document for the Chat control and followed the instructions in the FAQ for 'Run From a Different Folder'
    Once that was complete I followed the instructions for 'Running Chat in embed mode'
    When I run my app now and go to my chat page which has the embeded code inside it I get an Error in the EmbedChannel.aspx file on line 65.
    Here is the code from that line and a few lines above: (Added extra "<>" characters to get it to show up here)
     <<script src='<%=ResolveUrl("protoutil.js")%>' >><</script>>
    <<script src='<%=ResolveUrl("settings.js.aspx")%>'>><</script>>
    <<script src='<%=ResolveUrl("loadall.aspx")%>'>><</script>>
    _SL_AddTranslater(GetString); <-- ERROR HERE 'GetString is undefined'
    It acts like the settings.js.aspx file is never loaded and _SL_AddTranslater() cannot see GetString function since this is where the GetString function is.
    _SL_SetContentFilter also errors out, the same error.
    Do you have to include the javascript/aspx files like this? What would be wrong with putting the js functions inside a .js file and including it the normal way or make the settings.js.apsx file an ascx (control) file and add it that way?
    Not sure what more information is needed, but hoping I can get help nonetheless.
    Thanks for the time and help.
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