Inline styles dropdown with no CSS applied are ignored (under some conditions)

  •  10-19-2006, 8:54 PM

    Inline styles dropdown with no CSS applied are ignored (under some conditions)

    Hi there
    I realsize this may be the same isse as
    but it seems to be subtly different so I thought I would log it :-)
    1.  CuteEditor has no CSS applied
    2.  I from the Inline Sytle drop down I choose color:red
    3.  I start typing
    My expectation is that I would type in red, after all I have chosen a red inline style, thus clearly telling CuteEditor that I want to type in red.
    However CuteEditor ignores my choice and just goes ahead in black times new roman.  If I select my text and apply the style in the drop down this works successfully
    The basic idea with all of this is that I want to achieve WYSIWYG authoring without applying a style sheet and this does not seem 100% possible in 5.3
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