Re: Administrator Console

  •  11-26-2006, 10:52 PM

    Re: Administrator Console

    Not sure if this is terribly helpful to anyone, but in order to get the 'Hidden' checkbox of the admin side to have some effect on our CommunityServer forums listing, I made the following changes, which seemed to work. Please keep in mind this is a quickfix I came up with in about 5 min, so it's not necessarily the best way to do things - but we're in a hurry!
    In the View-ForumGroupView.ascx file (make a backup copy first, of course):
    Find the <script> section at the top, then find the GetRoomInfo method. Within the first foreach loop, immediately after "ri= new RoomInfo();" - about line 29 - I added (without all the dashes!):
    if(lobby.IsHidden) {
      ri.IsHidden = true;
    Then go down to "public class RoomInfo", and beneath "string _t="";" - about line 53 at this point - add:
    bool _h=false;
    Then beneath the Tooltip get-setter add a new one like this:
    public bool IsHidden {
        return _h;
    Then scroll down to about line 170, there's an anchor tag and image tag being loaded up with Chat information. Within the TD tag containing this info, I added the following info (displayed including the TD tags - left out all the A and IMG tag stuff) :
    <td class="CommonListCell ForumGroupTotalThreadsColumn" align="center">
    <div runat="server" visible=<%# !GetRoomInfo(Container.DataItem).IsHidden %>>
        <a title="..... (All the chat info stuff - not typed here, for brevity!)
    <div runat="server" visible = <%# GetRoomInfo(Container.DataItem).IsHidden %>>
    And that seemed to do the trick. Hope that helps somebody. Cheers!
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