Re: Attach event does not work - Need urgent help

  •  11-27-2006, 6:23 AM

    Re: Attach event does not work - Need urgent help

    Hi there
    I need some urgent help with this too. I've pasted in the above code, but it's behaving very oddly. It's only working about 20% of the time. It works reliably the first time I run it. Thereafter it only correctly produces an alert once in a while.
    Could this be something to do with the events loading in the wrong order - perhaps the CuteEditor isn't fully loaded when the window.onload event is picked up?
    I have run the Error Console in Firefox on occasions when the code hasn't executed properly, and seen some funny errors like "editdoc.attachEvent is not a function".
    Please could you get me some help on this asap?
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