CuteEditor as an Image Selector

  •  11-28-2006, 4:16 PM

    CuteEditor as an Image Selector

    Hello, not too clear on this so I wanted to post. We manage 80+ web sites for our franchisees and want to give them the ability to make simple web changes themselves. It gets to be a bit time consuming when we have to change a sentence or two 80 times. :) All of our pages are static HTML and I know that's not a problem, but where I'm curious is on the Image Selector feature.
    We often create web banners for them to use on their sites for specials (i.e. Christmas special, Springtime special, etc.) and we'd like to have all of the banners on our primary site for them to choose from, rather than have to upload it 80+ times to each of their directories.
    Is there a way to have one single image repository where they can select the banner they want displayed on their site? Or do I have to have them just download the one they want and then upload it normally?

    I hope I was clear!
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