Re: GetString is undefined

  •  12-05-2006, 3:54 PM

    Re: GetString is undefined

    Adam, thank you for the reply and link, however the document you referred me to tells me nothing. All it shows is the screen shot of what it would look like and the code to the embedchat.aspx page.
    What it should tell me is where to place all my dll's and project files to get it to work with a current project.
    what I need to know is where do I put the embedchat.aspx and all the dll's with it?
    I tried putting the SamplePortal project inside a Chat folder under my projects root but it didnt work.
    I tried making that Chat folder a virtual directory and that didnt work.
    We already know that the SamplePortal and the embedchat.aspx works on my machine, but how do I put that into my project?
    my client wants to be able to go to http://localhost/ClientName/Chat/embedchat.aspx
    how can we accompolish this? I cannot use the SamplePortal viritual directory.
    I apologize for the confusion on what I need but my client is getting touchy and I need a solution soon.
    Thank you for the time and enjoy your day.
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