Incorrect translation using PlainTextWithLineFeeds

  •  12-28-2006, 9:39 PM

    Incorrect translation using PlainTextWithLineFeeds

    I typed the following into the editor:
    Example of a text document uploaded as Private to this one.
    Adding this to it
    The HTML is this:
            <link href="" rel=stylesheet>
            <p>Example of a text document uploaded as Private to this one. </p>
            <p>Adding this to it</p>
    But CuteEditor incorrectly translates using the PlainTextWithLineFeeds function:
    The above becomes:
    <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <p>Example of a text document uploaded as Private to Ben Bear, overwrite not allowed. <p><br> <p>&nbsp;<p><br> <p>Adding this to it<p><br> <br>
    PlainTextWithLineFeeds should theoretically translate it as:
    Example of a text document uploaded as Private to this one. [crlf][crlf]Adding this to it
    Where [crlf] is a linefeed.
    Why are all the <br> tags in there? Why is there a space after each <br> tag>?
    How to fix this?
    What rules can I apply using .NET's Replace function to clean this up?
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