Re: DataBase relation

  •  01-19-2007, 11:46 AM

    Re: DataBase relation

    Hi Max,
    I am having hard time configuring this.
    here is my code:
    <!--#include file=header.asp-->
    Class CuteEditor
     ' version 5.0
     Private s_AccessKey
     Private s_activetab
     Private s_AllowEditServerSideCode
     Private s_allowpastehtml
     Private s_autoconfigure
     Private s_AutoParseClasses
     Private s_BaseHref
     Private s_breakelement
     Private s_codeviewtemplateitemlist
     Private s_ConfigurationPath
     Private s_ConvertHTMLTagstoLowercase
     Private s_CustomCulture
     Private s_DisableAutoFormatting
     Private s_DisableClassList
     Private s_disableitemlist
     Private s_DOCTYPE
     Private s_DownLevelColumns
     Private s_TabSpaces
     Private s_ResizeStep
     Private s_DownLevelRows
     Private s_editcompletedocument
     Private s_editorbodystyle
     Private s_EditorOnPaste
     Private s_editorwysiwygmodecss
     Private s_EnableAntiSpamEmailEncoder
     Private s_EnableBrowserContextMenu
     Private s_enableclientscript
     Private s_EnableContextMenu
     Private s_EnableContextMenuEditing
     Private s_EnableContextMenuFormat
     Private s_EnableContextMenuInsert
     Private s_EnableContextMenuInsertAdvanced
     Private s_EnableContextMenuInsertFiles
     Private s_EnableContextMenuInsertForms
     Private s_EnableContextMenuRelative
     Private s_EnableContextMenuTags
     Private s_EnableContextMenuVerbs
     Private s_EnableStripScriptTags
     Private s_filespath 
     Private s_FocusOnLoad
     Private s_ullpageonload
     Private s_ToggleBorder
     Private s_height
     Private s_helpurl
     Public ID
     Private s_maxhtmllength
     Private s_maxtextlength
     Private s_PrintFullWebPage
     Private s_readonly
     Private s_removeservernamesfromurl
     Private s_RemoveTBODYTag
     Private s_SecurityPolicyFile
     Private s_showBottomBar
     Private s_ShowCodeViewToolBar
     Private s_ShowDecreaseButton
     Private s_ShowEnlargeButton
     Private s_showgroupmenuimage
     Private s_showhtmlmode
     Private s_showpreviewmode
     Private s_tabindex
     Private s_templateitemlist
     Private s_TextAreaStyle
     Private s_ThemeType
     Private s_UseFontTags
     Private s_UseHTMLEntities
     Private s_UsePhysicalFormattingTags
     Private s_UseRelativeLinks
     Private s_UseSimpleAmpersand
     Private s_width 
     Private s_cssclassdropdownMenuNames
     Private s_cssclassdropdownMenuList
     Private s_ParagraphsListMenuNames
     Private s_ParagraphsListMenuList
     Private s_FontFacesList
     Private s_FontSizesList
     Private s_linksdropdownMenuList
     Private s_linksdropdownMenuNames
     Private s_codesnippetdropdownMenuNames
     Private s_codesnippetdropdownMenuList
     Private s_imagesdropdownMenuNames
     Private s_imagesdropdownMenuList
     Private s_maxImageSize
     Private s_maxMediaSize
     Private s_maxFlashSize
     Private s_maxDocumentSize
     Private s_MaxTemplateSize
     Private s_AllowUpload
     Private s_AllowCreateFolder
     Private s_AllowRename
     Private s_AllowDelete
     Private s_imagegallerypath 
     Private s_MediaGalleryPath
     Private s_FlashGalleryPath
     Private s_TemplateGalleryPath
     Private s_FilesGalleryPath
     Private s_ImageFilters
     Private s_MediaFilters
        Private s_DocumentFilters
        Private s_XMLOutput
     ' version 5.0
     Private s_Text
     Private s_flashpath 
     Private s_mediapath 
     Private s_documentpath 
     Private s_UseNetSpell
     Private s_subsequent
     Private s_ParagraphsDropDownWidth
     Private s_SizesDropDownWidth 
     Private s_ZoomsDropDownWidth 
     Private s_StylesDropDownWidth
     Private s_CodeSnippetsDropDownWidth
     Private s_ImagesDropDownWidth
     Private s_FontsDropDownWidth
     Private s_LinksDropDownWidth
     Private s_ZoomsList
     '****** version 5.1 ******
     Private s_MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage
     Private s_EnableObjectResizing
     Private s_ShowVersion
     Public Property Let MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage(yesornot)
      s_MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let EnableObjectResizing(yesornot) 
      s_EnableObjectResizing =  CStr(yesornot) 
     End Property
     Public Property Let ShowVersion(yesornot) 
      s_ShowVersion =  CStr(yesornot) 
     End Property
     '****** version 5.1 ******
     'version 5.0
     Public Property Let AccessKey(s)
      s_AccessKey = s
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ActiveTab(input_string) 
      s_activetab =  input_string 
     End Property
     Public Property Let AllowEditServerSideCode (yesornot)
      s_AllowEditServerSideCode = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let AllowPasteHtml(yesornot)
      s_allowpastehtml = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let AutoConfigure(cfg)
      s_autoconfigure = cfg
     End Property
     Public Property Let AutoParseClasses (yesornot)
      s_AutoParseClasses = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let BaseHref(input_string)
      s_BaseHref = input_string
     End Property
     Public Property Let BreakElement(input_string)
      s_breakelement = input_string
     End Property  
     Public Property Let CodeViewTemplateItemList(Input_list)
      s_codeviewtemplateitemlist = Input_list
     End Property  
     Public Property Let ConfigurationPath(s)
      s_ConfigurationPath = s
     End Property  
     Public Property Let ConvertHTMLTagstoLowercase(yesornot)
      s_ConvertHTMLTagstoLowercase = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let DisableAutoFormatting(yesornot)
      s_DisableAutoFormatting = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let DisableClassList(yesornot)
      s_DisableClassList = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property   
     Public Property Let DisableItemList(Input_list)
      s_disableitemlist = Input_list
     End Property  
     Public Property Let DOCTYPE(s)
      s_DOCTYPE = s
     End Property
     Public Property Let DownLevelColumns(n)
      s_DownLevelColumns = n
     End Property 
     Public Property Let TabSpaces(n)
      s_TabSpaces = n
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ResizeStep(n)
      s_ResizeStep = n
     End Property
     Public Property Let DownLevelRows (n)
      s_DownLevelRows  = n
     End Property 
     Public Property Let EditCompleteDocument (yesornot)
      s_editcompletedocument = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property   
     Public Property Let EditorBodyStyle(input_string)
      s_editorbodystyle = input_string
     End Property
     Public Property Let EditorOnPaste(yesornot)
      s_EditorOnPaste= CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let EditorWysiwygModeCss(input_string)
      s_editorwysiwygmodecss = input_string
     End Property
     Public Property Let EnableAntiSpamEmailEncoder(yesornot)
      s_EnableAntiSpamEmailEncoder = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let EnableBrowserContextMenu (yesornot)
      s_EnableBrowserContextMenu = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableClientScript(trueornot)
      s_enableclientscript = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenu(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenu = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuEditing(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuEditing= trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuFormat(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuFormat = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuInsert (trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuInsert  = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuInsertAdvanced(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuInsertAdvanced = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuInsertFiles(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuInsertFiles = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuInsertForms(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuInsertForms = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuRelative(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuRelative = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuTags(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuTags = trueornot
     End Property  
     Public Property Let EnableContextMenuVerbs(trueornot)
      s_EnableContextMenuVerbs = trueornot
     End Property 
     Public Property Let EnableStripScriptTags(yesornot)
      s_EnableStripScriptTags = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property   
     Public Property Let FilesPath(s)
      If Right(s,1) = "/" Then
       editor_filespath = Left(s, Len(s)-1)
      End If
      s_filespath = s
     End Property 
     Public Property Let FocusOnLoad(yesornot)
      s_FocusOnLoad= CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let FullPageOnLoad(yesornot)
      s_ullpageonload= CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let ToggleBorder(yesornot)
      s_ToggleBorder= CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let Height(n)
      s_height = n
     End Property 
     Public Property Let HelpUrl(s)
      s_helpurl = s
     End Property 
     Public Property Let MaxHTMLLength(n)
      s_maxhtmllength = n
     End Property  
     Public Property Let MaxTextLength(n)
      s_maxtextlength = n
     End Property  
     Public Property Let PrintFullWebPage(trueornot)
      s_PrintFullWebPage = trueornot
     End Property
     Public Property Let ReadOnly(yesornot)
      s_readonly = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property  
     Public Property Let RemoveServerNamesFromUrl(yesornot)
      s_removeservernamesfromurl  = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property  
     Public Property Let RemoveTBODYTag(yesornot)
      s_RemoveTBODYTag = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let SecurityPolicyFile (s)
      s_SecurityPolicyFile = s
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ShowBottomBar(yesornot)
      s_showBottomBar = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let ShowCodeViewToolBar(yesornot)
      s_ShowCodeViewToolBar = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ShowDecreaseButton(yesornot)
      s_ShowDecreaseButton = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ShowEnlargeButton(yesornot)
      s_ShowEnlargeButton = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property  
     Public Property Let ShowGroupMenuImage(yesornot)
      s_showgroupmenuimage = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let ShowHtmlMode(yesornot)
      s_showhtmlmode = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ShowPreviewMode(yesornot)
      s_showpreviewmode = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let TabIndex(i)
      s_tabindex = i
     End Property 
     Public Property Let TemplateItemList(s)
      s_templateitemlist = s
     End Property
     Public Property Let TextAreaStyle(s)
      s_TextAreaStyle = s
     End Property
     Public Property Let ThemeType(Input_theme)
      s_ThemeType = Input_theme
     End Property
     Public Property Let UseFontTags (yesornot)
      s_UseFontTags = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let UseHTMLEntities (yesornot)
      s_UseHTMLEntities = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let UsePhysicalFormattingTags (yesornot)
      s_UsePhysicalFormattingTags = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let UseSimpleAmpersand(yesornot)
      s_UseSimpleAmpersand= CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let Width(n)
      s_width = n
     End Property     
     Public Property Let CssClassStyleDropDownMenuNames(input_string)
      s_cssclassdropdownMenuNames = input_string
     End Property 
     Public Property Let CssClassStyleDropDownMenuList(input_string)
      s_cssclassdropdownMenuList = input_string
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ParagraphsListMenuNames(list)
      s_ParagraphsListMenuNames = list
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ParagraphsListMenuList(list)
      s_ParagraphsListMenuList = list
     End Property   
     Public Property Let FontFacesList(list)
      s_FontFacesList = list
     End Property
     Public Property Let FontSizesList(list)
      s_FontSizesList = list
     End Property 
     Public Property Let LinksDropDownMenuList(list)
      s_linksdropdownMenuList = list
     End Property  
     Public Property Let LinksDropDownMenuNames(list)
      s_linksdropdownMenuNames = list
     End Property  
     Public Property Let CodeSnippetDropDownMenuNames(input_string)
      s_codesnippetdropdownMenuNames = input_string
     End Property 
     Public Property Let CodeSnippetDropDownMenuList(input_string)
      s_codesnippetdropdownMenuList = input_string
     End Property  
     Public Property Let ImagesDropDownMenuNames(input_string)
      s_imagesdropdownMenuNames = input_string
     End Property 
     Public Property Let ImagesDropDownMenuList(input_string)
      s_imagesdropdownMenuList = input_string
     End Property  
     Public Property Let ZoomsList(list)
      s_ZoomsList = list
     End Property
     Public Property Let MaxImageSize(size)
      s_maxImageSize = size
     End Property  
     Public Property Let MaxMediaSize(size)
      s_maxMediaSize = size
     End Property
     Public Property Let MaxFlashSize(size)
      s_maxFlashSize = size
     End Property 
     Public Property Let MaxDocumentSize(size)
      s_maxDocumentSize = size
     End Property
     Public Property Let MaxTemplateSize(size)
      s_MaxTemplateSize = size
     End Property
     Public Property Let ImageGalleryPath(path)
      s_imagegallerypath = path
     End Property 
     Public Property Let MediaGalleryPath(path)
      s_MediaGalleryPath = path
     End Property 
     Public Property Let FlashGalleryPath(path)
      s_FlashGalleryPath = path
     End Property 
     Public Property Let TemplateGalleryPath(path)
      s_TemplateGalleryPath = path
     End Property  
     Public Property Let FilesGalleryPath(path)
      s_FilesGalleryPath = path
     End Property  
     Public Property Let AllowCreateFolder(yesornot)
      s_AllowCreateFolder = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let AllowUpload(yesornot)
      s_AllowUpload = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let AllowRename(yesornot)
      s_AllowRename = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let AllowDelete(yesornot)
      s_AllowDelete = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property   
     Public Property Let ImageFilters(s)
      s_ImageFilters = s
     End Property   
     Public Property Let MediaFilters(s)
      s_MediaFilters = s
     End Property   
     Public Property Let DocumentFilters(s)
      s_DocumentFilters = s
     End Property 
     Public Property Get Text
      Text = Request.Form(ID)
     End Property 
     Public CustomAddons 
     Public Property Get obj_ID
      obj_ID = "obj_"&ID
     End Property     
     Public Property Let Text(initialText)
      s_Text = initialText & ""
     End Property  
     Public Property Let UseRelativeLinks(yesornot)
      s_UseRelativeLinks  = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     Public Property Let UseNetSpell(yesornot)
      s_UseNetSpell= CStr(yesornot)
     End Property   
     Public Property Let subsequent(yesornot)
      s_subsequent = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property
     Public Property Let CustomCulture(s)
      s_CustomCulture= s
     End Property 
     Public Property Let XHTMLOutput (yesornot)
      s_XMLOutput = CStr(yesornot)
     End Property 
     ' Begin Event Handlers
     Private Sub Class_Initialize()
      s_activetab = "Edit"
      s_AllowEditServerSideCode = "false"
      s_allowpastehtml = "true"
      s_autoconfigure = "default"
      s_AutoParseClasses = "true"
      s_breakelement = "div"
      s_ConvertHTMLTagstoLowercase  = "true"
      s_CustomCulture = "en-en"
      s_DisableAutoFormatting  = "false"
      s_DownLevelColumns = 50
      s_DownLevelRows  = 13
      s_TabSpaces = 3
      s_ResizeStep = 100
      s_editcompletedocument = "false"
      s_EditorOnPaste = "ConfirmWord"
      s_editorwysiwygmodecss = ""
      s_EnableAntiSpamEmailEncoder = "true"
      s_EnableBrowserContextMenu = "true"
      s_enableclientscript = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenu = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuEditing  = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuFormat = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuInsert = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuInsertAdvanced = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuInsertFiles = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuInsertForms = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuRelative = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuTags = "true"
      s_EnableContextMenuVerbs = "true"
      s_EnableStripScriptTags  = "false"
      s_FocusOnLoad = "false"
      s_ullpageonload = "false"
      s_ToggleBorder = "true"
      s_height = "300px"
      s_maxhtmllength = 0
      s_maxtextlength = 0
      s_PrintFullWebPage = "false"
      s_readonly = "false"
      s_removeservernamesfromurl  = "true"
      s_RemoveTBODYTag  = "false"
      s_SecurityPolicyFile = "default.config"
      s_showBottomBar = "true"
      s_ShowCodeViewToolBar = "true"
      s_ShowDecreaseButton = "true"
      s_ShowEnlargeButton = "true"
      s_showgroupmenuimage = "true"
      s_showhtmlmode = "true"
      s_showpreviewmode = "true"
      s_ThemeType = "Office2003_BlueTheme"
      s_UseFontTags= "false"
      s_UseHTMLEntities = "true"
      s_UsePhysicalFormattingTags = "true"
      s_UseRelativeLinks  = "true"
      s_MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage   = "true"
      s_EnableObjectResizing   = "true"
      s_ShowVersion  = "false"
      s_width = "765px"
      s_subsequent = "false"
      s_UseSimpleAmpersand  = "false"
      s_UseNetSpell = "true"
      s_tabindex = 0
      s_XMLOutput = "false"
     End Sub
     Public Property Get BrowserType
      Dim userAgent
      BrowserType = "false"
      userAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
      If InStr(1, userAgent, "MSIE", 1) > 0 AND InStr(1, userAgent, "Win", 1) > 0 AND InStr(1, userAgent, "Opera", 1) = 0 Then
       If Trim(Mid(userAgent, inStr(1, userAgent, "MSIE", 1)+5, 3)) >= "5.5" OR Trim(Mid(userAgent, inStr(1, userAgent, "MSIE", 1)+5, 3)) = "5,5" Then
        BrowserType = "winIE"
        BrowserType = "false"
       End If
      ElseIf inStr(1, userAgent, "Firebird", 1) Then
        If CLng(Trim(Mid(userAgent, CInt(inStr(1, userAgent, "Gecko/", 1)+6), 8))) >= 20030728 Then
         BrowserType = "Gecko"
        BrowserType = "false"
       End If
      ElseIf inStr(1, userAgent, "Gecko", 1) > 0 AND inStr(1, userAgent, "Firebird", 1) = 0 AND isNumeric(Trim(Mid(userAgent, CInt(inStr(1, userAgent, "Gecko/", 1)+6), 8))) Then
       If CLng(Trim(Mid(userAgent, CInt(inStr(1, userAgent, "Gecko/", 1)+6), 8))) => 20030312 Then
        BrowserType = "Gecko"
        BrowserType = "false"
       End If
      ElseIf inStr(1, userAgent, "Safari", 1) > 0  Then
       If CLng(Trim(Mid(userAgent, CInt(inStr(1, userAgent, "AppleWebKit/", 1)+12), 3))) => 412 Then
        BrowserType = "Safari"
       ElseIf CLng(Trim(Mid(userAgent, CInt(inStr(1, userAgent, "AppleWebKit/", 1)+12), 3))) => 312 Then
        BrowserType = "Safari13"   
        BrowserType = "false"
       End If
       BrowserType = "false"
      End If
     End Property
     Private Function GetFormatBlockCode (s_block)
      Select case Lcase(s_block)
       Case "normal":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "<P>"
       Case "heading 1":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "<H1>"
       Case "heading 2":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "<H2>"
       Case "heading 3":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "<H3>"
       Case "heading 4":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "<H4>"
       Case "heading 5":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "<H5>"
       Case "heading 6":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "<H6>"
       Case "address":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "Address"
       Case "formatted":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "Formatted"
       Case "definition term":
        GetFormatBlockCode = "Definition Term"
       Case Else
        GetFormatBlockCode = "<P>"   
      End Select
     End Function
     Private Function CreateToolBar()
         Dim strTemp 
      if s_templateitemlist <> "" then
       strTemp = GetToolbarFromItemList(s_disableitemlist)
      elseif s_ConfigurationPath <> "" then
       strTemp = GetToolbarItems(s_ConfigurationPath,s_disableitemlist)
       strTemp = GetToolbarItems(GetURL("Configuration/AutoConfigure/"&s_autoconfigure&".config"),s_disableitemlist)   
      end if 
      'response.Write strTemp
      CreateToolBar = strTemp          
     End Function
     Private Function BuildBottomBar()
         Dim strTemp 
      If (s_showBottomBar) Then
       strTemp = "<tr><td class=""CuteEditorBottomBarContainer"" style=""padding:0 0 2px 3px;"">"
       strTemp = strTemp & "<img title="""&G_Str("Normal")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" Command=""TabEdit""  src="""&ProcessThemeWebPath("design.gif")&""" border=""0"" />"
       If (s_showhtmlmode) Then
        strTemp = strTemp & "<img title="""&G_Str("HTML")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" Command=""TabCode""  src="""&ProcessThemeWebPath("htmlview.gif")&""" border=""0"" />"
       End If
       If (s_showpreviewmode) Then
        strTemp = strTemp & "<img title="""&G_Str("Preview")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" Command=""TabView""  src="""&ProcessThemeWebPath("preview.gif")&""" border=""0"" />"
       End If
       strTemp = strTemp & "</td>"
       strTemp = strTemp & "<td align=""right"">"
       if s_ShowVersion Then
        strTemp = strTemp & "Cute Editor version 5.2"
       End if   
       if s_ShowEnlargeButton Then
        strTemp = strTemp & "<img title="""&G_Str("Enlarge")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" Command=""sizeplus""   src="""&ProcessThemeWebPath("plus.gif")&""" border=""0"" />"
       End if
       If s_ShowDecreaseButton Then
        strTemp = strTemp & "<img title="""&G_Str("Decrease")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" Command=""sizeminus""  src="""&ProcessThemeWebPath("minus.gif")&""" border=""0"" />"
       End if
       strTemp = strTemp & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"
       strTemp = strTemp & "</tr>"
      End If
      'response.Write strTemp
      BuildBottomBar = strTemp
     End Function
     Private Function EditorInitialise()
      dim t
      t= "<script language=""javascript""> "
      t= t& "  var "&obj_ID&" =  new _CState('"&ID&"','"&obj_ID&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_ActiveTab&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_AllowEditServerSideCode&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_allowpastehtml&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_BaseHref&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_breakelement&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_codeviewtemplateitemlist&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_ConvertHTMLTagstoLowercase&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_DisableAutoFormatting&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_DOCTYPE&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_editcompletedocument&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_editorbodystyle&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EditorOnPaste&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EditorWysiwygModeCss&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableAntiSpamEmailEncoder&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableBrowserContextMenu&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenu&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuEditing&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuFormat&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuInsert&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuInsertAdvanced&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuInsertFiles&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuInsertForms&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuRelative&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuTags&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableContextMenuVerbs&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableStripScriptTags&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_FocusOnLoad&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_ullpageonload&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_ToggleBorder&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_helpurl&"',"
      t= t& ""&s_maxhtmllength&","
      t= t& ""&s_maxtextlength&","
      t= t& "'"&s_PrintFullWebPage&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_readonly&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_removeservernamesfromurl&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_RemoveTBODYTag&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_ShowCodeViewToolBar&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_UseFontTags&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_UseHTMLEntities&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_UsePhysicalFormattingTags&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_UseRelativeLinks&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_UseSimpleAmpersand&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_EnableObjectResizing&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_CustomCulture&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_UseNetSpell&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_XMLOutput&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_TabSpaces&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_ResizeStep&"',"
      t= t& "'"&s_filespath&"');"
      Select case Lcase(BrowserType)
       Case "safari":
        t= t& "  setTimeout('EditorLoad("&obj_ID&")',800);"
       Case "safari13":
        t= t& "  setTimeout('EditorLoad("&obj_ID&")',800);"
       Case "gecko":
        t= t& " EditorLoad("&obj_ID&")"
       Case "winie":
        t= t& "  setTimeout('EditorLoad("&obj_ID&")',500);"
      End Select
      t= t& "</script>"
      'response.Write "T--<textarea size=""12"">" & t & "</textarea>"
      EditorInitialise = t 
     End Function
     Private Function editorClientScript ()
         Dim strTemp
      If s_subsequent = "false" then
       strTemp = "<script language=""JavaScript"" SRC="""&s_filespath&"/spell.js""></script><script language=""JavaScript"" SRC="""&s_filespath&"/CuteEditorconstants.js""></script><script language=""JavaScript"" SRC="""&s_filespath&"/license/CuteEditorLic.js""></script><script language=""JavaScript"" SRC="""&s_filespath&"/"&BrowserType&".js.asp?UC="&s_CustomCulture&"""></script>"
      End if
      editorClientScript =  strTemp
     End Function
     Private Function editorStylesheet ()
      Dim s ,strTemp
      Select case Lcase(BrowserType)
       Case "safari":
       Case "safari13":
       Case "gecko":
       Case "winie":
      End Select
      strTemp =  "<link href='"&s_filespath&"/Themes/"&s_ThemeType&"/style."&s&".css.asp?EditorID=CE_"&ID&"_ID' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet'/>"
      editorStylesheet = strTemp
     End Function
     Public Sub Draw()
      Dim s
      Call DoSecurity_v2 ()
     ' Response.Write "BrowserType:"&BrowserType
      If Not s_enableclientscript OR BrowserType="false" Then
       if s_AccessKey <> "" Then
        s=s&" AccessKey="""&s_AccessKey&""""
       End if
       Response.Write "<TEXTAREA name="""&ID&""" "&s&" rows="""&s_DownLevelRows &""" cols="""&s_DownLevelColumns&""" style=""WIDTH: " & s_width & "; HEIGHT: " & s_height & """ ID="""&ID&""">" & Server.HTMLEncode( s_Text ) & "</TEXTAREA>"
       Call editorClientScript_v2 ()
       Call editorStylesheet_v2 ()
       Response.Write ("")
       if s_tabindex <> 0 Then
       End if
       if s_AccessKey <> "" Then
        s=s&" AccessKey="""&s_AccessKey&""""
       End if
       Response.Write("<table "&s&" id=""CE_"&ID&"_ID"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" height="&s_height&" width="&s_width&" style=""table-layout:auto;height:"&s_height&";width:"&s_width&";"">")
       Response.Write("<tr><td colspan=""2"" class=""CuteEditorToolBarContainer"" style=""padding:3px 2px 0 3px;height:1px;overflow-y:visible;"" unselectable=""on"">")
       Response.Write("<div id=""CE_"&ID&"_ID_ToolBar"" class=""CuteEditorToolbar"" style=""margin-left:1px;margin-bottom:2px;"">")
       Call CreateToolBar_v2()
       if CustomAddons <> "" then
        Response.Write CustomAddons
       end if
       Response.Write("<tr><td colspan=""2"" class=""CuteEditorFrameContainer"" style=""padding:1px 3px 2px 3px;"" height=""100%"">")
       Response.Write("<iframe id="""&obj_ID&"_editBox"" src="""&GetURL("template.asp")&""" FrameBorder=""0"" class=""CuteEditorFrame"" style=""background-color:White;border-color:#C0C0C0;border-width:1px;border-style:Solid;height:100%;width:100%;""></iframe>")
       Response.Write "<input type=""hidden"" name="""&ID&""" ID="""&ID&""" value=""" & Server.HTMLEncode( s_Text ) & """>"
       Call BuildBottomBar_v2 ()
       Response.Write("<Div id="""&ID&"_sandbox"" style=""VISIBILITY: hidden; OVERFLOW: hidden; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 1px; HEIGHT: 1px;""></Div>")
       Call EditorInitialise_v2 ()
      End If
      'Response.Write BrowserType
     End Sub
     '---------------------------------------- OXCYON CHANGES
     Sub DoSecurity_v2()
        call DoSecurity()
     End Sub
     Sub editorClientScript_v2()
     End Sub
     Sub editorStylesheet_v2 ()
     End Sub
     Sub CreateToolBar_v2()
     End Sub
     Sub BuildBottomBar_v2 ()
     End Sub
     Sub EditorInitialise_v2 ()
     End Sub
     Public Function GetString()
      Dim s, strTemp
      Call DoSecurity ()
     ' Response.Write "BrowserType:"&BrowserType
      If Not s_enableclientscript OR BrowserType="false" Then
       if s_AccessKey <> "" Then
        s=s&" AccessKey="""&s_AccessKey&""""
       End if
       strTemp = "<TEXTAREA name="""&ID&""" "&s&" rows="""&s_DownLevelRows &""" cols="""&s_DownLevelColumns&""" style=""WIDTH: " & s_width & "; HEIGHT: " & s_height & """ ID="""&ID&""">" & Server.HTMLEncode( s_Text ) & "</TEXTAREA>"
       strTemp = strTemp & editorClientScript ()
       strTemp = strTemp & editorStylesheet ()
       strTemp = strTemp & ""
       if s_tabindex <> 0 Then
       End if
       if s_AccessKey <> "" Then
        s=s&" AccessKey="""&s_AccessKey&""""
       End if
       strTemp = strTemp & "<table "&s&" id=""CE_"&ID&"_ID"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" height="&s_height&" width="&s_width&" style=""table-layout:auto;height:"&s_height&";width:"&s_width&";"">"
       strTemp = strTemp & "<tr><td colspan=""2"" class=""CuteEditorToolBarContainer"" style=""padding:3px 2px 0 3px;height:1px;overflow-y:visible;"" unselectable=""on"">"
       strTemp = strTemp & "<div id=""CE_"&ID&"_ID_ToolBar"" class=""CuteEditorToolbar"" style=""margin-left:1px;margin-bottom:2px;"">"
       strTemp = strTemp & CreateToolBar()
       if CustomAddons <> "" then
        strTemp = strTemp &  CustomAddons
       end if
       strTemp = strTemp & "</div></td></tr>"
       strTemp = strTemp & "<tr><td colspan=""2"" class=""CuteEditorFrameContainer"" style=""padding:1px 3px 2px 3px;"" height=""100%"">"
       strTemp = strTemp & "<iframe id="""&obj_ID&"_editBox"" src="""&GetURL("template.asp")&""" FrameBorder=""0"" class=""CuteEditorFrame"" style=""background-color:White;border-color:#C0C0C0;border-width:1px;border-style:Solid;height:100%;width:100%;""></iframe>"
       strTemp = strTemp &  "<input type=""hidden"" name="""&ID&""" ID="""&ID&""" value=""" & Server.HTMLEncode( s_Text ) & """>"
       strTemp = strTemp & "</td></tr>"
       strTemp = strTemp & BuildBottomBar ()
       strTemp = strTemp & "</table>"
       strTemp = strTemp & "<Div id="""&ID&"_sandbox"" style=""VISIBILITY: hidden; OVERFLOW: hidden; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 1px; HEIGHT: 1px;""></Div>"
       strTemp = strTemp & EditorInitialise ()
      End If
      'Response.Write " Browser:" & BrowserType
      GetString = strTemp
     End Function
     Public Sub DoSecurity()
         dim s
      If CStr(s_maxImageSize) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_MaxMediaSize) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_MaxFlashSize) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_MaxDocumentSize) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_MaxTemplateSize) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_ImageGalleryPath) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_MediaGalleryPath) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_FlashGalleryPath) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_TemplateGalleryPath) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_FilesGalleryPath) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_AllowUpload) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_AllowCreateFolder) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_AllowRename) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_AllowDelete) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_ImageFilters) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_MediaFilters) <> "" Then
      End If
      If CStr(s_DocumentFilters) <> "" Then
      End If  
      Session("CESecurity")  = s 
      'Response.Write Session("CESecurity")     
     End Sub
     Public Function G_SettingFromSecurityPolicyFile(instring)
      dim scriptname,xmlfilename,doc,temp
      dim node,selectednode,optionnodelist,errobj
      dim selectednodes,i,Nodes,objNode
      xmlfilename = Server.MapPath(GetURL("Configuration/Security/"&s_SecurityPolicyFile&""))
      ' Create an object to hold the XML
      set doc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
      ' For ASP, wait until the XML is all ready before continuing
      doc.async = False
      ' Load the XML file or return an error message and stop the script
      if not Doc.Load(xmlfilename) then
       Response.Write "Failed to load the language text from the XML file.<br>"
      end if
      ' Make sure that the interpreter knows that we are using XPath as our selection language
      doc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
         If InStr(1, instring, "Filters", 1) > 0 Then
             set Nodes = doc.DocumentElement.selectNodes("/configuration/security[@name='"&instring&"']/item")
             dim s
          For Each objNode in Nodes
           s = s&objNode.Text&","
             G_SettingFromSecurityPolicyFile= s
          set selectednode= doc.selectSingleNode("/configuration/security[@name='"&instring&"']")
          if IsObject(selectednode) and not selectednode is nothing  then
           G_SettingFromSecurityPolicyFile= Server.HTMLEncode(selectednode.text)
           G_SettingFromSecurityPolicyFile= ""  
          end if
      End if
     End Function
     public Sub LoadHTML(ByVal FilePath)
      dim fso
      dim file
      dim fileContents
      set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      FilePath = Server.mapPath(FilePath)
      if fso.FileExists(FilePath) then
       set file = fso.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 1, "false", -2)
       if not (file.AtEndOfStream) then
                    fileContents = file.ReadAll
                end if
       Text = fileContents
       exit Sub
       Text = "File " & FilePath & " doesn't exist"
      end if
     end Sub
     public Sub SaveFile (ByVal FilePath)
      dim fso
      dim file
      dim stream
      dim fileContents
      set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      FilePath = Server.MapPath(FilePath)
      if len(Text) = 0 then
       response.Write ""
       exit Sub
       if NOT fso.FileExists(FilePath) then
        set file = fso.CreateTextFile(FilePath)
       end if
       set file = fso.GetFile(FilePath)
       set stream = file.OpenAsTextStream(2)     
      end if
     end Sub
     Private Property Get SaveButton 
      SaveButton = "<INPUT type=""image"" src="""&ProcessThemeWebPath("save.gif")&""" name=""Save"" alt="""&G_Str("Save")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"">"
     End Property
     Private Property Get GetURL(path)
      GetURL = ""&s_filespath&"/"&path 
     End Property 
     Private Property Get ProcessThemeWebPath(imageURL)
      Select case Lcase(s_ThemeType)
       Case "Office2003_BlueTheme":
        ProcessThemeWebPath = GetURL("Themes/Office2003_BlueTheme/Images/"&imageURL)
       Case "office2003":
        ProcessThemeWebPath = GetURL("Themes/office2003/Images/"&imageURL)
       Case "officexp":
        ProcessThemeWebPath = GetURL("Themes/officexp/Images/"&imageURL)
       Case "office2000":
        ProcessThemeWebPath = GetURL("Themes/office2000/Images/"&imageURL)   
       Case "custom":
        ProcessThemeWebPath = GetURL("Themes/custom/Images/"&imageURL)    
       Case Else
        ProcessThemeWebPath = GetURL("Themes/Office2003_BlueTheme/Images/"&imageURL)
      End Select
     End Property
     Public Function G_Str(instring)
      dim t
      t = GetStringByCulture(instring,s_CustomCulture)
      If t = ""  then
       t= GetStringByCulture(instring,"_default")
      End If
      If t = ""  then
       t= "{"&instring&"}" 
      End If
      G_Str= t
     End Function 
     Public Function GetStringByCulture(instring,input_culture)
      dim scriptname,xmlfilename,doc,temp
      dim node,selectednode,optionnodelist,errobj
      dim selectednodes
      xmlfilename= Server.MapPath(GetURL("languages/"&input_culture&".xml"))
      ' Create an object to hold the XML
      set doc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
      ' For ASP, wait until the XML is all ready before continuing
      doc.async = False
      ' Load the XML file or return an error message and stop the script
      if not Doc.Load(xmlfilename) then
       Response.Write "Failed to load the language text from the XML file.<br>"
      end if
      ' Make sure that the interpreter knows that we are using XPath as our selection language
      doc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
      set selectednode= doc.selectSingleNode("/resources/resource[@name='"&instring&"']")
      if IsObject(selectednode) and not selectednode is nothing  then
      end if
     End Function
     '/* version 5.0 */
     Public function GetToolbarFromItemList(d_list)
      dim scriptname,cfgfilename,doc,temp
      dim node,selectednode,optionnodelist,errobj
      dim selectednodes,s
      cfgfilename = Server.MapPath(GetURL("Configuration/AutoConfigure/full.config"))
      ' Create an object to hold the XML
      set doc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
      ' For ASP, wait until the XML is all ready before continuing
      doc.async = False
      ' Load the XML file or return an error message and stop the script
      if not Doc.Load(cfgfilename) then
       Response.Write "Failed to load the Configure file.<br>"
      end if
      ' Make sure that the interpreter knows that we are using XPath as our selection language
      doc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
      'set selectednode= doc.selectSingleNode("/toolbars")
      Dim Nodes
      set Nodes = doc.DocumentElement.selectNodes("//toolbars/*")
      Dim ToolbarStrings
      Dim i
      If BrowserType="Gecko" Then
       d_list = d_list & ",zoom"
      End If
      If BrowserType="Safari" or BrowserType="Safari13" Then  
       d_list = d_list & ",zoom,find,tofullpage,fromfullpage,linktree,inserttemplate,modifytable,insertrowtop,insertrowbottom,insertcolumnleft,insertcolumnright,deletecell,deleterow,deletecolumn,insertcell,editrow,editcell"
       d_list = d_list & ",mergeright,mergebottom,horsplitcell,versplitcell,blockdirltr,blockdirrtl,insertorderedlist,insertunorderedlist,indent,outdent,imagemap,insertanchor,documentpropertypage,absoluteposition"
       d_list = d_list & ",bringforward,bringbackward,cssclass,cssstyle"
      End If
      ToolbarStrings = Split(s_templateitemlist,",")
      For i = 0 to Ubound(Split(s_templateitemlist,","))
       dim itemname   
       itemname = Trim(ToolbarStrings(i))
       dim disable_toolbarstrings, j,found
       found = false
       disable_toolbarstrings = Split(d_list,",")
       for j = 0 to Ubound(disable_toolbarstrings)      
        if lcase(itemname) = lcase(trim(disable_toolbarstrings(j))) then
         found = true
         Exit for     
        end if
       if found = false then
       Select Case lcase(itemname)
        case "g_start":
         s =  s &  AddToolbarGroupStart
        case "g_end":
         s =  s &  AddToolbarGroupEnd
        case "separator":
         s =  s &  AddToolbarSeparator
        case "linebreak":
         s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
        case "table":
       '  s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
        case "forecolor":
         s =  s &  AddToolbarForeColor
        case "backcolor":
         s =  s &  AddToolbarBackColor
        case "dropdown":
       '  s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
        case "holder":
       '  s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
        Case else
         Dim objNode,objType,objName,objImgName,objVisible,v
         For Each objNode in Nodes
          With objNode.Attributes 
              set objType = .GetNamedItem("type")
           set objName = .GetNamedItem("name")
           set objVisible = .GetNamedItem("Visible") 
           v = "true"             
           If not objVisible is nothing  then
            v = objVisible.Text
           End If
           If not objName is nothing AND lcase(v) <> "false" then 
            if lcase(objName.Text) = lcase(itemname) then         
             If lcase(objType.Text) = "image" then
              dim n,t       
              n = objName.Text 
              set objImgName = .GetNamedItem("imagename")
              If not objImgName is nothing  then
               t = .GetNamedItem("imagename").Text
               t = n        
              End If  
              s =  s & AddToolbarItem(n,ProcessThemeWebPath(t & ".gif"), n,20,20) 
              Dim objCmd
              set objCmd = .GetNamedItem("command")
              s =  s & AddToolbarDropDown(objName.Text,objCmd.Text)
             End If
            end if 
           End if 
          End With      
       End Select
       end if
      GetToolbarFromItemList = s
     End function
     Public function GetToolbarItems(cfgfilename,d_list)
      dim scriptname,doc,temp
      dim node,selectednode,optionnodelist,errobj
      dim selectednodes,i,s,Nodes,objNode,objType,objName,objImgName
      cfgfilename = Server.MapPath(cfgfilename)
      ' Create an object to hold the XML
      set doc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
      ' For ASP, wait until the XML is all ready before continuing
      doc.async = False
      ' Load the XML file or return an error message and stop the script
      if not Doc.Load(cfgfilename) then
       Response.Write "Failed to load the Configure file.<br>"
      end if
      If BrowserType="Gecko" Then
       d_list = d_list & ",zoom"
      End If
      If BrowserType="Safari" or BrowserType="Safari13" Then  
       d_list = d_list & ",zoom,find,tofullpage,fromfullpage,linktree,inserttemplate,modifytable,insertrowtop,insertrowbottom,insertcolumnleft,insertcolumnright,deletecell,deleterow,deletecolumn,insertcell,editrow,editcell"
       d_list = d_list & ",mergeright,mergebottom,horsplitcell,versplitcell,blockdirltr,blockdirrtl,insertorderedlist,insertunorderedlist,indent,outdent,imagemap,insertanchor,documentpropertypage,absoluteposition"
       d_list = d_list & ",bringforward,bringbackward,cssclass,cssstyle"
      End If  
      ' Make sure that the interpreter knows that we are using XPath as our selection language
      doc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
      'set selectednode= doc.selectSingleNode("/toolbars")
      set Nodes = doc.DocumentElement.selectNodes("//toolbars/*")
      For Each objNode in Nodes
       With objNode.Attributes
        Dim objVisible, v
        set objType = .GetNamedItem("type")
        set objName = .GetNamedItem("name")
        set objVisible = .GetNamedItem("Visible")
        v = "true"       
        If not objVisible is nothing  then
         v = objVisible.Text
        End If
        If not objType is nothing AND lcase(v) <> "false" then
         dim disable_toolbarstrings, j,found
         found = "false"
         disable_toolbarstrings = Split(d_list,",")
         for j = 0 to Ubound(disable_toolbarstrings)      
          if (lcase(trim(objType.Text)) = lcase(trim(disable_toolbarstrings(j)))) then
           found = "true"
           Exit for
           If not objName is nothing  then
            if (lcase(trim(.GetNamedItem("name").Text)) = lcase(trim(disable_toolbarstrings(j)))) then
             found = "true"
             Exit for
            End If
           End If       
          end if
         dim n,c,w,t     
         if(found = "false") then     
          Select Case lcase(objType.Text)
           case "g_start":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarGroupStart
           case "g_end":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarGroupEnd
           case "separator":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarSeparator
           case "linebreak":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
           case "table":
          '  s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
           case "forecolor":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarForeColor
           case "backcolor":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarBackColor
           case "dropdown":
               If not objName is nothing  then  
             n = .GetNamedItem("name").Text  
             c = .GetNamedItem("command").Text         
             s =  s & AddToolbarDropDown(n,c)
            End if
           case "holder":
          '  s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
           Case "image"
            If not objName is nothing  then 
             n = .GetNamedItem("name").Text 
             set objImgName = .GetNamedItem("imagename")
             If not objImgName is nothing  then
              t = .GetNamedItem("imagename").Text
              t = n        
             End If  
             s =  s & AddToolbarItem(n,ProcessThemeWebPath(t & ".gif"), n,20,20)      
            End if    
           Case else
            s =  s & AddToolbarSeparator
          End Select
         end if
        End If    
       End With
      GetToolbarItems = s
     End function
     Public function AddToolbarDropDownfromConfig(name,command)
      dim scriptname,cfgfilename,doc,temp,Nodes,objNode,objText,objValue
      dim node,selectednode,optionnodelist,errobj
      dim selectednodes,i,s
      cfgfilename = Server.MapPath(GetURL("Configuration/Shared/Common.config"))
      ' Create an object to hold the XML
      set doc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
      ' For ASP, wait until the XML is all ready before continuing
      doc.async = False
      ' Load the XML file or return an error message and stop the script
      if not Doc.Load(cfgfilename) then
       Response.Write "Failed to load the Configure file.<br>"
      end if
      ' Make sure that the interpreter knows that we are using XPath as our selection language
      doc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
      'set selectednode= doc.selectSingleNode("/toolbars")
      set Nodes = doc.DocumentElement.selectNodes("//dropdowns/"&name&"/*")
      s = s&"<select id="""&ID&name&"""  OnChange=""_Format("&obj_ID&",'"&command&"',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); this.selectedIndex=0;"" class=""CuteEditorSelect"">"
      s = s&"<option value='"&G_Str(name)&"'>"&G_Str(name)&"</option>"
      For Each objNode in Nodes
       With objNode.Attributes
        set objText = .GetNamedItem("text")
        set objValue = .GetNamedItem("value")
        If not objText is nothing  and not objValue is nothing  then
            dim t
            t = objText.Text
            If InStr(1, t, "[[", 1) > 0 Then
                t = Mid(t,3,len(t)-4)
            End IF
         s = s&"<option value='"&objValue.Text&"'>"&t&"</option>"
        End If    
       End With
      s = s&"</select>"
      AddToolbarDropDownfromConfig = s
     End function
     Private Property Get AddToolbarGroupStart
      AddToolbarGroupStart = "<table class=CuteEditorGroupMenu cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><tr><td class=CuteEditorGroupMenuCell><nobr>"
     End Property
     Private Property Get AddToolbarGroupEnd
      AddToolbarGroupEnd = "</nobr></td></tr></table>"
     End Property 
     Private Property Get AddToolbarSeparator
      AddToolbarSeparator = "<img src='"&ProcessThemeWebPath("separator.gif")&"' unselectable='on' class='separator'/>"
     End Property 
     Private Property Get AddToolbarLineBreak
      AddToolbarLineBreak = "<br clear='both'/>"
     End Property 
     Public Function AddToolbarItem(command, imageURL, title,l_width,l_height)
      If lcase(command) = "save" Then
       AddToolbarItem = SaveButton
       If IsNumeric(l_width) and IsNumeric(l_height) Then 
        dim t
        If lcase(command) = "tofullpage" Then
         t = "id='cmd_tofullpage'"
        End If   
        If lcase(command) = "fromfullpage" Then
         t = "id='cmd_fromfullpage'"   
        End If
        AddToolbarItem = "<img "&t&" title="""&G_Str(title)&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" Command="""&command&""" src='"&imageURL&"' width="&l_width&" height="&l_height&" border=0 />"
        AddToolbarItem = "<img "&t&" title="""&G_Str(title)&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" Command="""&command&""" src='"&imageURL&"' border=0 />"
       End If
      End If
     End Function 
     Public Function AddToolbarDropDown(name,command)
      Dim temp,i,name_array,list_array,name_s,list_s
      temp = ""
      Select Case lcase(name)
       case "cssclass":
       case "formatblock":
       case "fontname":
       case "fontsize":
       case "links":
       case "codes":
       case "images":
       case "zoom":
       Case else
      End Select
      if name_s <> "" AND list_s <> "" Then
          name_array = Split(name_s,",")
          list_array = Split(list_s,",")
          if lcase(name)= "links" then
           temp = temp&"<select id="""&ID&name&""" OnChange=""_Format("&obj_ID&",'"&command&"',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,this.options[this.selectedIndex].text); this.selectedIndex=0;"" class=""CuteEditorSelect"">"
        temp = temp&"<select id="""&ID&name&""" OnChange=""_Format("&obj_ID&",'"&command&"',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); this.selectedIndex=0;"" class=""CuteEditorSelect"">"
       end if
          temp = temp&"<option value='"&G_Str(name)&"'>"&G_Str(name)&"</option>"
          if IsArray(name_array) and IsArray(list_array) then
           if not IsArrayEmpty(list_array) then
            For i=0 to Ubound(list_array)
             temp = temp&"<option value='"&trim(list_array(i))&"'>"&trim(name_array(i))&"</option>"
           end if
          end if
          temp = temp&"</select>"  
          AddToolbarDropDown = temp  
          AddToolbarDropDown = AddToolbarDropDownfromConfig(name,command)        
      End If
     End Function 
     Private Property Get AddToolbarForeColor
      AddToolbarForeColor = "<div id=""colorbox"" style=""display:none;width:200px;height:120px;overflow:visible;""></div>"
      AddToolbarForeColor = AddToolbarForeColor & "<img id="""&obj_ID&"_forecolorimg"" Command=""ForeColor"" title="""&G_Str("ForeColor")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" onclick=""_Format("&obj_ID&",'ForeColor',"&obj_ID&"""  src='"&ProcessThemeWebPath("fontcolor.gif")&"' width='17' height='20' border=0 style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: red;' />"
      AddToolbarForeColor = AddToolbarForeColor & "<img id=""Set_forecolorimg"" Command=""SetForeColor"" title="""&G_Str("SetForeColor")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" onclick=""SelectColor("&obj_ID&",'"&obj_ID&"_forecolorimg',1);""  src='"&ProcessThemeWebPath("tbdown.gif")&"' width='9' height='20' border='0' />"
     End Property  
     Private Property Get AddToolbarBackColor
      AddToolbarBackColor = AddToolbarBackColor & "<img id="""&obj_ID&"_bkcolorimg"" Command=""BackColor"" title="""&G_Str("BackColor")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" onclick=""_Format("&obj_ID&",'BackColor',"&obj_ID&"""  src='"&ProcessThemeWebPath("colorpen.gif")&"' width='17' height='20' border=0 style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow;' />"
      AddToolbarBackColor = AddToolbarBackColor & "<img id=""Set_backcolorimg"" Command=""SetBackColor"" title="""&G_Str("SetBackColor")&""" class=""CuteEditorButton"" onclick=""SelectColor("&obj_ID&",'"&obj_ID&"_bkcolorimg',2);""  src='"&ProcessThemeWebPath("tbdown.gif")&"' width='9' height='20' border='0' />"
     End Property 
     '/* version 5.0 */
    End Class
    Private Function IsArrayEmpty(varArray)
       Dim lngUBound
       On Error Resume Next
       lngUBound = UBound(varArray)
       If Err.Number <> 0 Then
          IsArrayEmpty = True
          IsArrayEmpty = False
       End If
    End Function

    if not(productid=null and productid="" and not(isnumeric(productid))) then  'מצב עריכה
      'get the relevant products details
     set rsprod=db.execute("SELECT * FROM products WHERE productid = " & productid)
      if rsprod.eof then
       response.redirect("error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode("המוצר אינו נמצא בבסיס הנתונים של החנות"))
      end if
    end if  'סוף מצב עריכה

    '*******************************************************  מצב מחיקה *********************
    if stage="delete" and productid<>"" then    ' מחיקת כל התמונות של המוצר
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if fs.fileexists(server.mappath("../uploadimages/"&rsprod("image"))) then
     fs.deletefile server.mappath("../uploadimages/"&rsprod("image"))
    end if  
    if fs.fileexists(server.mappath("../uploadimages/75/"&rsprod("image"))) then
     fs.deletefile server.mappath("../uploadimages/75/"&rsprod("image"))
    end if  
    if fs.fileexists(server.mappath("../uploadimages/180/"&rsprod("image"))) then
     fs.deletefile server.mappath("../uploadimages/180/"&rsprod("image"))
    end if  
    if fs.fileexists(server.mappath("../uploadimages/40/"&rsprod("image"))) then
     fs.deletefile server.mappath("../uploadimages/40/"&rsprod("image"))
    end if  
        ' נמחוק את כל הקבצים המצורפים
        If len(Files)>2 then
           For IndexFiles=0 to ubound(arrFiles)
           if fs.fileexists(server.mappath("../UploadProductFiles/"&arrFiles(IndexFiles))) then
           fs.deletefile server.mappath("../UploadProductFiles/"&arrFiles(IndexFiles))
          end if  
        End if

    '*******************  נמחוק את כל ההזמנות שעוד לא בוצעו שיש להם את המוצר בהזמנה ***********
        set rsbasket=db.execute("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE NOT  basketIds IS NULL  ")
     Do until rsBasket.eof  'לולאה על כל מי שקיימות לו הזמנות שעוד לא בוצעו     
           If index>=0 then  'נמצא בהזמנה ןלכן נערוך אותו מחדש
             For j=0 to ubound(arrbasketids)   'נבנה מערך חדש ללא רווחים
              If arrbasketids(j)<>"" then   ' אם אין רווח
               If flag=0 then      'אם זה מוצר ראשון נשים ללא פסיק
               Else       'אם זה לא מוצר ראשון נשים פסיק
               End if      'סוף מוצר ראשון
              End if 
                 'סוף אם זה לא רווח
             arrbasketids=arrbasketids1    'נחזיר את מערכי העזר למערכים המקוריים
              db.execute("UPDATE customers set basketids='"&arrbasketids&"',basketqty='"&arrbasketqty&"' WHERE custid="&rsbasket("custid"))
       End if 'נמצא בהזמנה
      set rsBasket=nothing 
     db.execute("delete  from products where productid=" & productid)
     editMSG="המוצר נמחק בהצלחה"
    elseif stage="delete" and pruductid="" then
     editMSG="לא נבחר מוצר למחיקה"
    end if   ''סוף מצב מחיקה
    if stage="save" then  'מצב שמירה

     'Error check the information passed
     ' If complete then either add a new record or update depending on value of pruductid
     If GroupSale="ON" then
      If GroupSaleQty="" or GroupSaleLastDate="" or GroupSaleLastTime="" or not(isnumeric(GroupSaleQty)) then
       msg=msg&"<br>בחרת במוצר כמכירה קבוצתית ולכן עליך למלא את הכמות(ערך מספרי) , תאריך הסיום , ושעת הסיום למכירה"
        End if
        If GroupSaleLastTime<>"" then  'בדיקת פורמט של השעה
          If len(GroupSaleLastTime)<>5 then
           msg=msg&"<br>פורמט שעה אינו מתאים HH:MM "
          Elseif mid(GroupSaleLastTime,3,1)<>":" then
           msg=msg&"<br>פורמט שעה אינו מתאים HH:MM חסר את התו :"
           If isarray(arrTime) then
            If not(isnumeric(arrTime(0))) OR not(isnumeric(arrTime(1))) then
             msg=msg&"<br>פורמט שעה אינו מתאים HH:MM "
            End if 'isnumeric
           Else  'isarray
            msg=msg&"<br>פורמט שעה אינו מתאים HH:MM "
           End if
         End if  ' <>5
        End if 'not empty
     End if 'ON
     if name="" or isnull(name) or len(name)>255 then
      msg=msg & "<br>עליך להקליד שם תקף"
     end if
     if description="" or description=null then
      msg=msg & "<br>עליך להקליד תיאור תקף"
     end if
     if len(price&"")>1 then
      If not isnumeric(price) then
       msg=msg & "<br> עליך להקליד מחיר פריט בפורמט מספרי"
      End if
     end if
     if saleprice="" or not(isnumeric(saleprice)) then
      msg=msg & "<br>עליך להקליד מחיר בחנות"
     end if
     if AdminCostPrice<>"" AND not(isnumeric(AdminCostPrice)) then
      msg=msg & "<br>עליך להקליד מחיר עלות חוקי בלבד"
     end if
     if len(price)>0 AND len(saleprice)>0 AND isnumeric(price) AND isnumeric(saleprice) then
      If cdbl(price)>0 then
       If cdbl(price) < cdbl(saleprice) then
        msg=msg & "<br>  עליך להקליד מחיר בחנות קטן ממחיר רגיל או לא לציין מחיר"
       End if
      End if 
     end if
     if price="" or isnull(price) then
     end if
     if AdminCostPrice="" or isnull(AdminCostPrice) then
     end if

      if len(trim(ProfitPercent))>0 then
       If not isnumeric(ProfitPercent) then
        msg=msg & "<br>יש לציין אחוז רווח חוקי בלבד  "
       Elseif ProfitPercent<0  then
        msg=msg & "<br>יש לציין אחוז רווח חוקי בלבד  "
       End if
      end if

     if len(image)>255 then
      msg=msg & "<br>מסלול התמונה ארוך מדי"
     end if
     if catcode="" then
      msg=msg & "<br>לא נבחרה קטגוריה"
      catcode=replace(catcode , " " ,"")
      catcode=replace(catcode , "," ,"-")
     end if
     If relatedProd<>"" Then
      relatedprod=replace(relatedprod," ","")
     End if 
     If (p1<>"" AND v1="") OR (p1="" AND v1<>"") Then
      msg=msg & "<br>ציינת מאפיינים נוספים למוצר ועליך להכניס את השורה הראשונה במלואה "
     End if 
     If (p2<>"" AND v2="") OR (p2="" AND v2<>"") Then
      msg=msg & "<br>ציינת מאפיינים נוספים למוצר ועליך להכניס את השורה השנייה במלואה"
     End if 
     If (p3<>"" AND v3="") OR (p3="" AND v3<>"") Then
      msg=msg & "<br>ציינת מאפיינים נוספים למוצר ועליך להכניס את השורה השלישית במלואה"
     End if 
     if DeliveryPrice = "" OR NOT isnumeric(DeliveryPrice) then
      msg=msg & "<br>עליך לציין דמי משלוח למוצר"
     End if
     if msg="" then   'עבר את כל הבדיקות , נכניס לבסיס הנתונים
      set rsProd=server.createObject("ADODB.recordset")
      'Check wether this is an update or insert
      if productid=null or productid="" then
       sql="select * from products where productId=0" sql,strconn,3,3
       sql="select * from products where productId="&productid
       end if
      'catcode=replace(catcode , " " ,"")
      'catcode=replace(catcode , "," ,"-")
     If GroupSale="ON" then 
      rsprod("GroupSaleLastDateTime")=GroupSaleLastDate&" "&GroupSaleLastTime&":00"
     End if
          If not(isnumeric(ProfitPercent)) OR len(trim(ProfitPercent))<1 then 'בדיקת אחוז רווח
        End if
      if isnull(productid) OR productid="" then
      End if 
        Temp_SQL="DELETE FROM t_Temp_Group_Show " & _
           " WHERE ProductID = " & Temp_Product_ID
      If GroupSale="ON" then
     ' Temp_SQL="INSERT INTO t_Temp_Group_Show " & _
        ' "(ProductID, User_Name) " & _
         '"SELECT TOP " & Temp_QQQ & " " & Temp_Product_ID & " AS Expr1, CAST(LEFT(fname, 1) + '. ' + city AS nvarchar) AS Expr2 " & _ 
         '"FROM customers " & _
         '"ORDER BY NEWID() "
      Temp_SQL = "INSERT INTO t_Temp_Group_Show " & _
         " (ProductID, User_Name) " & _
         " SELECT TOP " & Temp_QQQ & " " & Temp_Product_ID & " AS Expr1, CAST(ab + '. ' + city AS nvarchar) AS Expr2 " & _
         " FROM tblcity CROSS JOIN " & _
         " tblab " & _
         " ORDER BY NEWID()      "
      end if
     editMSG="<br>פרטי המוצר נשמרו בהצלחה<br>"
     editMSG=editMSG&"<a class=menu href=product.asp>הוסף מוצר נוסף </a><br>"
     end if
    end if 'stage

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="CalendarPopup.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.write(CalendarPopup_getStyles());</SCRIPT>
    function ShowHideGroupSale()

    <script language="JavaScript" src="editor.js"></script>
    <link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" href="editor.css">
    <script language="javascript">
    function tableDialog()
       //----- Creates A Table Dialog And Passes Values To createTable() -----
       var rtNumRows = null;
       var rtNumCols = null;
       var rtTblAlign = null;
       var rtTblWidth = null;
       var rtBorderWidth = null;
    function createTable()
       //----- Creates User Defined Tables -----
       var cursor = frames.message.document.selection.createRange();
       if (rtNumRows == "" || rtNumRows == "0")
          rtNumRows = "1";
       if (rtNumCols == "" || rtNumCols == "0")
          rtNumCols = "1";
       var rttrnum=1
       var rttdnum=1
       var rtNewTable = "<table bordercolor='#c0c0c0' style='border-collapse:collapse' BorDer='"+rtBorderWidth+"' align='" + rtTblAlign + "' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='" + rtTblWidth + "'>"
       while (rttrnum <= rtNumRows)
          rtNewTable = rtNewTable + "<tr>"
          while (rttdnum <= rtNumCols)
             rtNewTable = rtNewTable + "<td>&nbsp;</td>"
          rtNewTable = rtNewTable + "</tr>"
       rtNewTable = rtNewTable + "</table>"
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function newwin() { //v2.0
     ww = open('upload.asp','endwin','width=250,height=250,top=100,left=100,scrollbars=no,status=yes');
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function newwinFiles() { //v2.0
     ww = open('uploadFiles.asp','endwin','width=400,height=250,top=100,left=100,scrollbars=yes,status=yes');
    <script language="javascript">
    function FncSubmit(){
    document.FrmAdd.description.value = frames.message.document.body.innerHTML;    
    document.FrmAdd.btnSave.value='...אנא המתן';
          <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=center border=0>
                <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
                    <TD vAlign=top width=10>
               <!--left ends...-->
                    <TD vAlign=top align=middle>
                      src="../images/gaps.gif" width="6" height="6"><BR>
                      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
                          <TD width="1%"><IMG height=1
                            src="../images/shim.gif" width=3></TD>
                          <TD width="98%">
                            <TABLE height=12 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0
                                <TD vAlign=bottom align=right width=11
                                  height=12><IMG height=12
                                <TD align=right width="100%" height=12><IMG
                            <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
                            bgColor=#ffffff border=0>
                                <TD align=left width=1
                                <TD align=middle>
                                  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%">
                                      <td width="100%">
                                      <!--Main Contennt-->
                  <table width=100% >
            <tr><td align=right width="90%">
     <% if editcomplete then %>
    <font class=red align=right> 
      <%= editmsg %>
     <% else %>

      <form onSubmit="return FncSubmit(this)" onClick="highlight(event);" action="product.asp?stage=save&productid=<%= productid %>" method=POST name=FrmAdd style="font-family: Arial" dir="rtl">
       <table   cellspacing=0 cellpadding="0" border="0" dir=rtl width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111">
       <td width="5%" colspan="2" align="right"  >
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
        <% if productid="" then %>
        <font class=bigtitle>הוספת מוצר חדש</font>
        <font class=standartFont>
        <% else %>
    <font class=bigtitle>ערוך פרטי מוצר</font>
       <% end if %>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <% if productid<>"" then %>
       <a target="_blank" href="../product.asp?productid=<%=productid %>">
                <img border="0" src="../images/preview.jpg" alt="צפייה בדף המוצר"></a>
                <% Else %>
                <% End if %>
                <font class=standartfont> השדות שמסומנים <font color="#FF0000">באדום</font> הם שדות חובה.<br>
                <img border="0" src="../images/info.gif"><font color="#FF0000">לידיעתך</font>!!
                אם אתה משייך מוצר למכירה קבוצתית המחיר בחנות הוא המחיר הסופי (כולל
                מע&quot;מ&nbsp; ובשקלים).</font></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%"><b><font class=red><%= msg %><br>

       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber2">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"> <font color="#FF0000">שם המוצר:</font>&nbsp;</font></b>
                    <td width="108">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font face="Arial" size="2">כותרת משנה:</font></b>
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font face="Arial" size="2">מק&quot;ט:</font></b></td>
       <font color="#FF0000">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"><span lang="he">מהי</span> </font></b><font face="Arial" size="2" color="<%= text %>"><b>תקופת
       <b><font color="#FF0000" size="2" face="Arial">של איזה חברה המוצר?</font></b></td>
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
       <input size=25 name="name" value="<%=replace(name & "","""","&quot;")%>" maxlength=100 class="inputText"></td>
                    <td width="108">
       <input type="text" name="subName" size="20" dir="rtl" value="<%= subName %>" class="inputText"></td>
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
       <input type="text" name="catalogNumber" size="10" dir="ltr" value="<%= catalogNumber %>" class="inputText"></td>
       <input type="text" name="Warranty" size="15" dir="rtl" value="<%= Warranty %>" class="inputText"></td>
       <input type="text" name="CompName" size="15" dir="rtl" value="<%= CompName %>" class="inputText"></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>">
       &nbsp;</font><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"><font color="#FF0000">תיאור
       <span lang="he">קצר ( עבור זאפ )</span>:</font></font></b></td>

       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <textarea rows="3" name="ShortDesc" cols="45" dir="rtl"><%= ShortDesc %></textarea></td>

       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"><span style="background-color: #FFFF00">הערות,
       לשימוש עודד בלבד:</span></font></b></td>

       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <textarea rows="3" name="Remarks" cols="45" dir="rtl"><%= Remarks %></textarea></td>

       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"><font color="#FF0000">תיאור המוצר:&nbsp;</font></font></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%"><font size="2" face="Arial"><BR></font></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
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       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%"><b><font color="#FF0000">
       מידות המוצר, נא למלא ! ! !</font></b><br>
    &nbsp;<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="table1" width="290">
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       <input type="text" name="Pwidth" size="10" dir="rtl" value="<%= Pwidth %>" class="inputText"></td>
                    <td width="75">
       <input type="text" name="Pdepth" size="10" dir="rtl" value="<%= Pdepth %>" class="inputText"></td>
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       <input type="text" name="Pweight" size="10" dir="rtl" value="<%= Pweight %>" class="inputText"></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%"><font size="2" face="Arial"><BR>&nbsp;</font></td>
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       <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#DEDEDE" id="AutoNumber1" height="42">
                    <td height="16" nowrap>
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
           <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font></b></font><b><font face="Arial" size="2" color="<%= text %>">מחיר
                    <td height="16" nowrap>
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
           <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"><font color="#FF0000">מחיר
                    <td height="16" nowrap>
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
           <img border="0" src="images/arrow.gif">מחיר עלות</font></b></td>
                    <td height="16" nowrap>
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
           <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif">מע&quot;מ?</font></b></td>
                    <td height="16" nowrap>
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
           <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif">סוג מטבע:</font></b></td>
                    <td height="16" nowrap>
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif">אחוז רווח:</font></b></td>
                    <td height="18" nowrap>
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
       <input size=8 name="price" value="<%= price %>" maxlength=100 class="inputText"></td>
                    <td height="18" nowrap>
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
       <input size=8 name="saleprice" value="<%= saleprice %>" maxlength=255 class="inputText"></td>
                    <td height="18" nowrap>
                    <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
                    <input type="text" class="inputtext" name="AdminCostPrice" size="10" dir="ltr" value="<%= AdminCostPrice %>"></td>
                    <td height="18" nowrap>
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
                    <select size="1" name="Vat">
                    <option value="1" <% if cstr(vat&"")="1" then response.write "selected" %>>
                    <option value="0" <% if cstr(vat&"")="0" then response.write "selected" %>>
        לא כולל</option>
                    <td height="18" nowrap>
       <select size="1" name="CurrencyType">
                <option value="0" <% if cstr(CurrencyType&"")="0" then response.write "selected" %>><%= CurNis %></option>
                <option value="1" <% if cstr(CurrencyType&"")="1" then response.write "selected" %>><%= CurDollar %></option>
                    <td height="18" align="left" nowrap>
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
                    <span lang="en-us">%</span><input type="text" name="ProfitPercent" size="5" dir="ltr" value="<%= ProfitPercent %>" class="inputText"></td>
       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">&nbsp;
       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">
                <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#DEDEDE" id="AutoNumber5">
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       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#FF0000">מיקום
                    <td dir="rtl">&nbsp;
                    <td dir="rtl">&nbsp;
                    <td dir="rtl">&nbsp;
                    <td dir="rtl">&nbsp;
                    <td dir="rtl">&nbsp;
                    <td dir="rtl">&nbsp;
                    <td dir="rtl">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><span lang="he"><font face="Arial" size="2">בקטגוריות:</font></span></b></td>
                    <td dir="rtl">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><span lang="he"><font face="Arial" size="2">בדף
                    <td dir="rtl">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><span lang="he"><font face="Arial" size="2">
                    <td dir="rtl">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#FF0000">זמן
                אספקה (מקסימום ימי עסקים):</font></b></td>
                    <td dir="rtl">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"> <font color="#FF0000">דמי משלוח</font></font></b></td>
                    <td dir="rtl">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"> <font color="#FF0000">מס'
                    <td dir="rtl">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font color="#FF0000" size="2" face="Arial">ריבית</font></b></td>
                    <td dir="rtl" align="center">
       <select size="1" name="prodOrder">
        <% for iorder=1 to 99 %>
                     <option <% if cstr(iorder&"")=cstr(prodOrder&"") then response.write "selected" %>><%= iorder %></option>
        <% next %>
                    <td dir="rtl" align="center">
       <select size="1" name="IndexProdOrder">
        <% for iorder=1 to 99 %>
                     <option <% if cstr(iorder&"")=cstr(IndexprodOrder&"") then response.write "selected" %>><%= iorder %></option>
        <% next %>
                    <td dir="rtl" align="center">
       <select size="1" name="SalesProdOrder">
        <% for iorder=1 to 99 %>
                     <option <% if cstr(iorder&"")=cstr(SalesProdOrder&"") then response.write "selected" %>><%= iorder %></option>
        <% next %>
                    <td dir="rtl" align="center">
       <select size="1" name="supplyTime">
        for iSupply=1 to 30
        if not( productid="" and not(isnumeric(productid))) OR stage="save" then  'מצב עריכה
         If cstr(iSupply&"")=cstr(supplyTime&"") then
          StrSelected=" selected "
         End if
         If iSupply=7 then
          StrSelected=" selected "
         End if
        End if
                     <option <%= StrSelected %>>
                         <%= iSupply %>
        <% next %>
                    <td dir="rtl" align="center">
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
       <input size=10 name="DeliveryPrice" value="<%= DeliveryPrice %>" maxlength=255 class="inputText" dir="ltr"></td>
                    <td dir="rtl" align="center">
    <select size="1" name="ProductPayment">
        iSupply = 1
        for iSupply=1 to 24
        if not( productid="" and not(isnumeric(productid))) OR stage="save" then  'מצב עריכה
         If cstr(iSupply&"")=cstr(ProductPayment&"") then
          StrSelected=" selected "
         End if
         If ProductPayment=1 then
          StrSelected=" selected "
         End if
        End if
                     <option <%= StrSelected %>>
                         <%= iSupply %>
        <% next %>
       </select>    </td>
                    <td dir="rtl" align="center">
    <select size="1" name="PaymentTax" dir="rtl">
    <option value="0" <% if cstr(PaymentTax) = "0" then response.write " SELECTED "%>>ללא ריבית</option>
    <option value="1"  <% if cstr(PaymentTax) = "1" then response.write " SELECTED "%>>עם ריבית</option>


       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">&nbsp;

       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif">תמונה:</font></b></td>
       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%"></td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font size="2" face="Arial" id="pic" color=red>
       if image="" then
       response.write "לא הועלתה תמונה<BR>"
       response.write "<img src='../UploadImages/"&image&"' width=120 ><Br>"
       end if
                <input type=text name=image value="<%=image%>" size="20" dir="ltr" class="inputText">
                <input type=button onclick="newwin()" value="העלאת תמונה" class="OutButtL"  onmouseover="this.className='OnButtL'" onmouseout="this.className='OutButtL'"><br>

       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif">העלאת קבצים:
                <span lang="he"><a class="menu" style="cursor:hand" onclick=BLOCKED SCRIPTwindow.FrmAdd.Files.value="">
                הקבצים לחץ כאן]</a></span></font></b></td>

       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <input type=text name=Files value="<%=Files%>" size="20" dir="ltr" class="inputText">
                <input type=button onclick="newwinFiles()" value="העלאת קבצים" class="OutButtL"  onmouseover="this.className='OnButtL'" onmouseout="this.className='OutButtL'">

       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"><font color="#FF0000">בחר קטגוריה:</font></font></b></td>
       <td  align=right valign="top" width="5%"></td>
       <td align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       if request.querystring("productid")<> "" or catcode<>"" then
             createproductcombo "catcode" , catcode
           createproductcombo "catcode" , "0"
       end if 
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber3">
                    <td nowrap valign="top">
       <input type="checkbox" name="GroupSale" onclick="ShowHideGroupSale()" value="ON"  <% if lcase(GroupSale)="on" then response.write "checked" %> class="empty"><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font face="Arial" size="2"><span lang="he">מכירה קבוצתית?</span></font></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <div align="right" id="ShowGroupSale" style="display:'<% if  GroupSale="" OR isnull(GroupSale) then response.write "none" %>'">
                  <table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#DEDEDE" id="AutoNumber4" class="standartfont">
          <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC" dir="rtl"><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font></b>כמות תצוגה:</td>
                      <td dir="rtl"><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font></b>כמות במלאי:</td>
                      <td dir="rtl"><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font></b>תאריך סיום:</td>
                      <td dir="rtl"><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font></b>שעת סיום<span lang="he">
                      (</span>HH:MM<span lang="he">)</span>:</td>
                      <td dir="rtl" valign="top"  bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
                            <img border="0" src="../images/inc.gif" onclick="GroupSaleQty_Show.value++" style="cursor:hand">
               <input type="text" name="GroupSaleQty_Show" size="1" dir="ltr" class="InputText" value="<% If GroupSaleQty_Show<>"" then response.write GroupSaleQty_Show else response.write "1"%>">&nbsp;
              <img border="0" src="../images/dec.gif" onclick="if(GroupSaleQty_Show.value>1) GroupSaleQty_Show.value--" style="cursor:hand"> </td>
                      <td dir="rtl" valign="top">
                            <img border="0" src="../images/inc.gif" onclick="GroupSaleQty.value++" style="cursor:hand">
               <input type="text" name="GroupSaleQty" size="1" dir="ltr" class="InputText" value="<% If GroupSaleQty<>"" then response.write GroupSaleQty else response.write "1"%>">&nbsp;
              <img border="0" src="../images/dec.gif" onclick="if(GroupSaleQty.value>1) GroupSaleQty.value--" style="cursor:hand"> </td>
                      <td dir="rtl" valign="top">
           <input type="text" name="GroupSaleLastDate" size="10" dir="ltr" class="inputText" value="<%= GroupSaleLastDate%>">
         <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
          var cal2 = new CalendarPopup();
          <A HREF="#" onClick=",'anchor2','dd/MM/yyyy'); return false;" NAME="anchor2" ID="anchor2">
          <img src="images/calendar.gif" border=0 align="top">
                      <td dir="rtl" valign="top">
           <input type="text" name="GroupSaleLastTime" size="10" dir="ltr" class="inputText" value="<%= GroupSaleLastTime%>">&nbsp; </td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%" dir="rtl">
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
        <input type="checkbox" name="featured" value="ON" <% if featured="ON" then response.write "checked" %> class="empty"></font><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font face="Arial" size="2">ל<font color="<%= COLdark %>">הציג
                בעמוד הבית?</font></font></b>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%" dir="rtl">
       <input type="checkbox" name="addToBullets" value="ON"  <% if AddToBullets="ON" then response.write "checked" %> class="empty"><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font face="Arial" size="2">להוסיף למבצעים?</font></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%" dir="rtl">
       <input type="checkbox" name="Show" value="ON"  <% if lcase(show)="on" then response.write "checked" %> class="empty"><b><font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial"><img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><font face="Arial" size="2"><span lang="he">הסתר מוצר?</span></font></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%" dir="rtl">&nbsp;
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%" dir="rtl">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><span lang="he"><font face="Arial" size="2">מוצרים נילווים:</font></span></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <select size="6" name="relatedprod" dir="rtl" multiple>
        If prodid="" then
        End if 
        set rsallprod=db.execute("select * from products WHERE productid<>"&prodid&" order by name") 'בחירת מוצרים נילווים
         do until rsallprod.eof
       <option value="<%=rsallprod("productid")%>" <% if instr(relatedprod,"-"&rsallprod("productid")&"-")>0 then response.write " selected "%>><%= rsallprod("name") %></option>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">&nbsp;
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"><span lang="he">שיוך
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
                <select size="5" name="ProducerId" dir="rtl">
                <option value="0">ללא שיוך</option>
                set rsProducer=db.execute("SELECT Producerid,ProducerName FROM TblProducers ORDER BY producerOrder")
                Do Until rsProducer.eof
                <option value="<%= rsProducer("ProducerId") %>" <% If cstr(rsProducer("ProducerId")&"")=cstr(ProducerId&"") then response.write " selected " %>><%= rsProducer("ProducerName") %></option>
                set rsProducer=nothing
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">&nbsp;
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif">מאפיינים נוספים כולל
       תוספות מיוחדות (מופרדות ע&quot;י התו * ):</font></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%" dir="rtl">
       <b><font face="Arial" size="2">לדוגמא: קיים ב:<font color="#FF0000">צבע</font>
                : <font color="#000080">ירוק *15*,כחול *150*,אדום *0*,צהוב *-5*,חום
       *0*</font><font color="#008000"> </font>
                <font color="#FF0000">(חובה
                התו (,) בין המאפיינים)</font></font></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%" dir="rtl">
       <b><font face="Arial" size="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                : קיים ב:<font color="#FF0000">מידה</font> : <font color="#000080">
                38 *25*,40 *0*,42 *45*,44 *-50*</font><font color="#FF0000">
                (חובה התו (,) בין המאפיינים)</font></font></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%" dir="rtl" nowrap>
       <% '--------------------------------------------- מאפיינים נוספים  %>
                <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber6">
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right" nowrap>1.קיים ב:</td>
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right" nowrap>
                    <input class="Inputtext" name="p1" size="10" dir="rtl" value="<%= p1 %>">
                    : </td>
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right" nowrap>
                    <input class="Inputtext" name="v1" size="50" dir="rtl" value="<%= v1 %>"></td>
                <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber6">
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right">2.קיים ב:</td>
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right">
                    <input class="Inputtext" name="p2" size="10" dir="rtl" value="<%= p2 %>">
                    : </td>
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right">
                    <input class="Inputtext" name="v2" size="50" dir="rtl" value="<%= v2 %>"></td>
                <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber6">
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right">3.קיים ב:</td>
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right">
                    <input class="Inputtext" name="p3" size="10" dir="rtl" value="<%= p3 %>">
                    : </td>
                    <td dir="rtl" class="standartfont" align="right">
                    <input class="Inputtext" name="v3" size="50" dir="rtl" value="<%= v3 %>"></td>
                <% '-------------------------------------------- סוף מאפיינים נוספים  %>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">&nbsp;
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif"></font><span lang="he"><font face="Arial" size="2">מילות חיפוש נוספות עבור
                המוצר (מופרדות ע&quot;י פסיק בין מילה למילה)</font></span></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <input type="text" name="SearchWord" size="40" dir="rtl" value="<%= SearchWord %>" class="inputText"></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">&nbsp;
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font color="<%= COLdark %>" size="2" face="Arial">
       <img border="0" src="../images/arrow.gif">הערות:&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></b></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="5%"><font size="2" face="Arial"><BR></font></td>
       <td   align=right valign="top" width="95%">
       <font face="arial" size="1" color="<%= text %>">
       <textarea name="notes" rows=6 cols=50><%=notes%></textarea>
       <% if productid<>"" then %>
                <input type=button onclick="BLOCKED SCRIPTverifydel('product.asp?stage=delete&productid=<%= productid %>')" value="מחיקת מוצר" class="OutButtL"  onmouseover="this.className='OnButtL'" onmouseout="this.className='OutButtL'">
       <% end if %>
       <input type=submit  alt="Save" name="btnSave" value="שמור שינויים" border=0 class="OutButtL"  onmouseover="this.className='OnButtL'" onmouseout="this.className='OutButtL'">
     <% end if %>

                                        <!--Main Contennt Ends...-->
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    i would be greatfull if you yould help me.
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