DisplayName not updating with Membership Records

  •  01-22-2007, 3:27 PM

    DisplayName not updating with Membership Records

    I've integrated the CuteChat client with our site and have managed to get it going.  However, when our users update their display name in their member profile (our database), this is not coming through in the chat client.  Instead it uses their previous display name, as this is what is in the User table in cutechat, despite the fact that the GetUserDisplayName in Global.asax returns the current nickname from the user's profile in our database.
    What is the purpose of the GetUserIdentity function in Global.asax and should we be passing the display name through at this stage?
    Why is CuteChat not using the information I provide through GetUserDisplayName?
    How can I forcefully sync the user information in the CuteChat tables?
    Also, is there a class reference document for CuteChat?  Lots of talk of being extensible, etc, but no real documentation that I can find?  Or is this limited to people who have purchased the product?  I need to get this working before we can make a purchase... would really appreciate some help here.
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