Re: DisplayName not updating with Membership Records

  •  01-22-2007, 9:35 PM

    Re: DisplayName not updating with Membership Records

    No the uniquename hasnt changed... we have userid (just a number) which never changes for a user.  This is the current value.  However, their displayname CAN change, and does change.
    Function GetUserDisplayName(useruniquename as String) as String
    'The useruniquename in this case will be a number, such as 100022
    Dim myLocalUser as User = GetUser(useruniquename) 'This gets the user from my database
    Return myLocalUser.Nickname
    End Function
    Basically that is what I have for the function.  This DOES return the correct displayName from our membership records.  When the member first uses chat, it shows the correct display name.  Now, if the user goes and changes their profile nickname, and then opens chat again, it doesnt load the latest value, it loads the old value.  It's being cached somewhere. 
    What is the purpose of ChatApi.SyncContact????  I've tried using this and it does nothing whatsoever, except update the last update time.
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