Null-Reference Exception at loading CuteChat time

  •  02-02-2007, 12:03 PM

    Null-Reference Exception at loading CuteChat time

    In our web application, we use the integrated version of CuteChat (version 3.1.1) for ASP.NET 2.0.  We have encountered a strange problem. At CuteChat-startup (when loading is displayed) a Null Reference exception message popped up as java sript alert box. The same Null reference exception was logged as well.  Apart from this, nothing abnormal seemed to happen, the normal cuteChat user list was displayed. However, a short time afterwards a message was displayed, that the user is not allowed to access the application as anonymous user and the origninal user list disappeared. After a relogin, the same thing happened, the normal user list was displayed (for about 5 seconds) and soon afterwards the same message appeared. The same applied for every user that tried to log in from then on. It seem that  the CuteChat application cache was not initialised properly and this cause CuteChat cause troubles. Only a complete restart of the application (iisreset) helped.
    We could not really reproduce this error, but we already had this twice. It seems that this happens at startup, when clicking somewhere else on the website, which causes the frameset to change. The Cute Chat frame however, is not affected by this.
    Can you help us with this problem or tell us when a fix will be available. This problem has got quite an impact as the whole application has to be restarted to make CuteChat work again.
    Thanks in advance for any answer.
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