Re: Installation problems - error message "Expected 'End'"

  •  02-07-2007, 2:23 AM

    Re: Installation problems - error message "Expected 'End'"

    HI adam, thanks for your reply!
    I tried your example, but got the exact same error message, till says:
    Error Type:
    Sun ONE ASP VBScript compilation (0x800A03F6)
    Expected 'End'
    CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp, line 1194, column 13
    So, then I did what I usually do when I get errors - I tried to delete some of the things that cause the error to make sure there are no other parts of the file that is making the error occur - my expierience is that sometimes the asp-server gives the wrong error. With this I mean that it sometimes gives a line (like the line 1194 mentioned above) as where the error is in the file, when it really is somewhere else. This is due to the fact that I am using the CuteEditor on a hosted webserver with SUN ONE ASP on Apache webserver rather then with IIS, this means I can't use localhost to test it, I have to do it online instead.
    Anyway - I deceded to try to delete the following rows from include_CuteEditor.asp:    
    Rows: 1192 to 1223: 
    Dim objNode,objType,objName,objImgName,objVisible,v
         For Each objNode in Nodes
          With objNode.Attributes 
              set objType = .GetNamedItem("type")
           set objName = .GetNamedItem("name")
           set objVisible = .GetNamedItem("Visible") 
           v = "true"             
           If not objVisible is nothing  then
            v = objVisible.Text
           End If
           If not objName is nothing AND lcase(v) <> "false" then 
            if lcase(objName.Text) = lcase(itemname) then         
             If lcase(objType.Text) = "image" then
              dim n,t       
              n = objName.Text 
              set objImgName = .GetNamedItem("imagename")
              If not objImgName is nothing  then
               t = .GetNamedItem("imagename").Text
               t = n        
              End If  
              s =  s & AddToolbarItem(n,ProcessThemeWebPath(t & ".gif"), n,20,20) 
              Dim objCmd
              set objCmd = .GetNamedItem("command")
              s =  s & AddToolbarDropDown(objName.Text,objCmd.Text)
             End If
            end if 
           End if 
          End With      
         end if
    Doing this and uploading the file again, gave me this error message:
    Error Type:
    Sun ONE ASP VBScript compilation (0x800A03F6)
    Expected 'End'
    CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp, line 1236, column 13
    Which seems to be the same problem, so now I tried deleteing the following rows from include_CuteEditor.asp:    
    Rows: 1235 to 1305: 
      For Each objNode in Nodes
       With objNode.Attributes
        Dim objVisible, v
        set objType = .GetNamedItem("type")
        set objName = .GetNamedItem("name")
        set objVisible = .GetNamedItem("Visible")
        v = "true"       
        If not objVisible is nothing  then
         v = objVisible.Text
        End If
        If not objType is nothing AND lcase(v) <> "false" then
         dim disable_toolbarstrings, j,found
         found = "false"
         disable_toolbarstrings = Split(d_list,",")
         for j = 0 to Ubound(disable_toolbarstrings)      
          if (lcase(trim(objType.Text)) = lcase(trim(disable_toolbarstrings(j)))) then
           found = "true"
           Exit for
           If not objName is nothing  then
            if (lcase(trim(.GetNamedItem("name").Text)) = lcase(trim(disable_toolbarstrings(j)))) then
             found = "true"
             Exit for
            End If
           End If       
          end if
         dim n,c,w,t     
         if(found = "false") then     
          Select Case lcase(objType.Text)
           case "g_start":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarGroupStart
           case "g_end":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarGroupEnd
           case "separator":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarSeparator
           case "linebreak":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
           case "table":
          '  s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
           case "forecolor":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarForeColor
           case "backcolor":
            s =  s &  AddToolbarBackColor
           case "dropdown":
               If not objName is nothing  then  
             n = .GetNamedItem("name").Text  
             c = .GetNamedItem("command").Text         
             s =  s & AddToolbarDropDown(n,c)
            End if
           case "holder":
          '  s =  s &  AddToolbarLineBreak
           Case "image"
            If not objName is nothing  then 
             n = .GetNamedItem("name").Text 
             set objImgName = .GetNamedItem("imagename")
             If not objImgName is nothing  then
              t = .GetNamedItem("imagename").Text
              t = n        
             End If  
             s =  s & AddToolbarItem(n,ProcessThemeWebPath(t & ".gif"), n,20,20)      
            End if    
           Case else
            s =  s & AddToolbarSeparator
          End Select
         end if
        End If    
       End With
    Doing this and uploading the file again, gave me this error message:
    Error Type:
    Sun ONE ASP VBScript compilation (0x800A03F6)
    Expected 'End'
    CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp, line 1268, column 13
    Which seems to be the same problem, so now I tried deleteing the following rows from include_CuteEditor.asp:    
    Rows: 1267 to 1282: 
      For Each objNode in Nodes
       With objNode.Attributes
        set objText = .GetNamedItem("text")
        set objValue = .GetNamedItem("value")
        If not objText is nothing  and not objValue is nothing  then
            dim t
            t = objText.Text
            If InStr(1, t, "[[", 1) > 0 Then
                t = Mid(t,3,len(t)-4)
            End IF
         s = s&"<option value='"&objValue.Text&"'>"&t&"</option>"
        End If    
       End With
    Doing this and uploading the file again, gave me a new error - and suddenly this happend in erlier in the rows of the file!:
    Error Type:
    Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
    System message, messageid = 0x800401f3
    CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp, line 969
    On line 969 in include_CuteEditor.asp it says:
    set doc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    Now, off course I understand this might not be what is causing my problem, but when getting this kind of message earlier in the file then before, this might be the problem - or what do you think? Is there anything else that i could do to fix the problem?
    Could this be a problem relating to how apache/sun one asp works with xml-files?
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